Powerbuilder Documentation 7.0

Powerbuilder Documentation 7.0

Providing support for instance pooling – PB Docs 70

Providing support for instance pooling Benefits of instance pooling Jaguar components can optionally support instance pooling. Instance pooling allows Jaguar clients to reuse component instances. By eliminating the resource drain caused by repeated allocation of component instances, instance pooling and improves the overall performance of a Jaguar server. Specifying pooling options in the wizards When…

Architecture of a distributed application – PB Docs 70

Architecture of a distributed application PowerBuilder provides support for three middle-tier servers: Jaguar Component Transaction Server (CTS) Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) Distributed PowerBuilder PowerBuilder developers can build clients that invoke the services of Jaguar CTS, MTS, and distributed PowerBuilder servers. In addition, they can build components (or objects) that execute inside each of these middle-tier…

Using database profiles – PB Docs 70

Using database profiles What is a database profile? A database profile is a named set of parameters stored in your PowerBuilder initialization file that defines a connection to a particular database in the PowerBuilder development environment. You must create a database profile for each data connection. What you can do Using database profiles is the…

Maintaining database profiles – PB Docs 70

Maintaining database profiles You can easily edit or delete an existing database profile in PowerBuilder on all supported platforms. You can edit a database profile to change one or more of its connection parameters. You can delete a database profile when you no longer need to access its data. You can change a profile using…

Viewing your work – PB Docs 70

Viewing your work While building a window, you can preview it (from the Window painter) and print its definition. Previewing a window As you develop your window, you can preview its appearance from the Window painter. By previewing the window, you get a good idea of how it will look during execution. Preview button on…

Defining user events – PB Docs 70

Defining user events In PowerBuilder, you can define both mapped and unmapped user events for windows, user objects, controls, menus, and the Application object. When you add a new event, a Prototype window displays above the script area in the Script view. Most of the fields in the Prototype window are the same as when…

Defining accelerator keys – PB Docs 70

Defining accelerator keys You can define accelerator keys for your controls to allow users to change focus to the control. An accelerator key is usually referred to as a mnemonic access key on Windows and a mnemonic on UNIX. On Windows On Windows, users press alt + the accelerator key to use an accelerator (mnemonic…

Using user objects – PB Docs 70

Using user objects Once you have built your user object, you are ready to use it in your application. This section describes how to use: Visual user objects Class user objects Using visual user objects You use visual user objects by placing them in a window or in a custom visual user object. The techniques…

Using wizards – PB Docs 70

Using wizards Accessing and using wizards PowerBuilder has wizards that simplify the initial creation of applications and components. Using your specifications, wizards can create multiple objects, and in some cases automatically generate complex code that you can modify as needed. PowerBuilder also has wizards for creating DataWindow objects in specific presentation styles. For an overview…

Regenerating library entries – PB Docs 70

Regenerating library entries Occasionally you may need to update library entries. For example: When you modify an ancestor object, you can regenerate descendants so they pick up the revisions to their ancestor. When you make extensive changes to an application, you can rebuild entire libraries so objects are regenerated sequentially based on interdependence. When you…