Powerbuilder Documentation 12.6

Powerbuilder Documentation 12.6

Increment – PB Docs 126

Increment property for PowerScript controls Controls EditMask controls Description When an EditMask control has been defined as a spin control (that is, a control with up and down arrows the user clicks to cycle through predefined values), the Increment property specifies the increment of the spin arrows. Increment is valid only for numeric and date…

LargePictureHeight – PB Docs 126

LargePictureHeight property for PowerScript controls Controls ListView controls Description The LargePictureHeight property specifies the display height of all the pictures in the Large Icon view of the ListView control. The size is specified in pixels. If you choose the value (Default) in the painter, or set the value to 0, PowerBuilder uses the height of…

LineColor – PB Docs 126

LineColor property for PowerScript controls Controls Line, Oval, Rectangle, RoundRectangle controls Description The line color is the color for the border and the lines in the control’s fill pattern. Usage In a painter To change the line color: Select a color from the Line Color drop-down list on the General page of the control’s property…

ShowPicture – PB Docs 126

ShowPicture property for PowerScript controls Controls Tab controls Description When the ShowPicture property is enabled, the picture specified for each tab, if any, is displayed. When this property is not enabled, no pictures appear. You can use ShowPicture with ShowText to display a picture and a text label, picture only, text label only, or no…

RulerBar – PB Docs 126

RulerBar property for PowerScript controls Controls RichTextEdit controls Description When the RulerBar property is enabled, a ruler bar appears above the editing area of the control. The user can use it to set tabs and margins on the tab bar. The ruler bar can also be enabled and disabled by the user at runtime from…

StatePictureName[ ] – PB Docs 126

StatePictureName[ ] property for PowerScript controls Controls ListView, TreeView controls Description PowerBuilder stores ListView images in several indexed arrays of images. State pictures are displayed to the left of ListView items and their pictures, if they have them. You can associate a state image with a ListView control only with scripts. You identify a specific…

CloseAnimation – PB Docs 126

CloseAnimation property for PowerScript controls Controls Window controls Description Specifies an optional animation effect that displays when the window closes. Usage The CloseAnimation property takes a value of the WindowAnimationStyle enumerated variable. For “slide” values, the whole window appears to slide from the direction selected. For “roll” values, the window does not move but its…

PowerBuilder System Objects and Controls – PB Docs 126

PowerBuilder System Objects and Controls About this chapter This chapter provides overview information about PowerBuilder system objects and controls. This chapter also lists the PowerBuilder system objects not included in this book and explains why they are not included. Contents Topic What are system objects? System object properties, events, and functions System object inheritance hierarchy…

DropDownRight – PB Docs 126

DropDownRight property for PowerScript controls Controls DatePicker and EditMask controls Description Specifies whether the drop-down calendar is aligned with the right or left side of the DatePicker or EditMask control. Usage In a painter To set the DropDownRight property: Select or clear the DropDownRight check box on the General page in the Properties view for…

AdditionalOpts – PB Docs 126

AdditionalOpts property for PowerScript controls Controls MLSynchronization and MLSync objects Description Specifies a command line option or a list of command line options for the dbmlsync synchronization command. For information about available command line options, you can click the Usage button next to the Additional Options text box on the MobiLink Client Additional Options page…