Chapter 10 Using Drag and Drop in a Window – PB Docs 115
Chapter 10 Using Drag and Drop in a Window About this chapter This chapter describes how to make applications graphical by dragging and dropping controls. Contents Topic About drag and drop Drag-and-drop properties, events, and functions Identifying the dragged control Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
To display the Insert Object dialog box Create New tab – PB Docs 125
To display the Insert Object dialog box Create New tab In the Window, User Object, or DataWindow painter, select Insert>Control>Ole Object from the menu bar or click the Ole button in the Objects drop-down list on the PainterBar. or In the DataWindow painter, create a new DataWindow object using the OLE presentation style. Select the…
Controlling the display of buttons in print preview and in printed output – PB Docs 126
Controlling the display of buttons in print preview and in printed output You can choose whether to display buttons in print preview or in printed output. You control this in the Properties view for the DataWindow object (not the Properties view for the button). To control the display of buttons in a DataWindow object in…
Cut – PB Docs 150
Cut PowerScript function Description Deletes selected text or an OLE object from the specified control and stores it on the clipboard, replacing the clipboard contents with the deleted text or object. Controls DataWindow, InkEdit, MultiLineEdit, SingleLineEdit, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, and OLE controls Syntax
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<span>controlname</span>.<span>Cut</span> ( ) |
Argument Description controlname The name of the DataWindow, InkEdit, MultiLineEdit, SingleLineEdit, RichTextEdit,…
Printing basics – PB Docs 150
Printing basics All printing is defined in terms of the print area. The print area is the physical page size less any margins. For example, if the page size is 8.5 inches by 11 inches, and the top, bottom, and side margins are all a half-inch, the print area is 7.5 inches by 10 inches….
Creating a new table from scratch – PB Docs 2017
Creating a new table from scratch In PowerBuilder, you can create a new table in any database to which PowerBuilder is connected. To create a table in the current database Do one of the following: Click the Create Table button. Right-click in the Columns view and select New Table from the pop-up menu. Right-click Tables…
Referring to objects in your application – PB Docs 2018
Referring to objects in your application You can refer to any object in the application in scripts for menu items. You must fully qualify the reference, using the object name, as follows. Referring to windows When referring to a window, you simply name the window. When referring to a property in a window, you must…
Syntax 1: System-defined shape – PB Docs 2019
Syntax 1: System-defined shape Description Sets the mouse pointer to a specified system-defined shape. Syntax
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SetPointer ( type ) |
Argument Description type A value of the Pointer enumerated datatype indicating the type of pointer you want. Values are: AppStarting! Arrow! Cross! Beam! Help! HourGlass! Hyperlink! Icon! None! Size! SizeNS! SizeNESW! SizeWE! SizeNWSE! UpArrow! Return value Pointer. Returns the…
Looking at an application’s structure – PB Docs 2019
Looking at an application’s structure Contents Which objects are displayed If you are working with an application that references one or more objects in an application-level script, you can look at the application’s structure in the Browser. To display the application’s structure: Click the Browser button on the PowerBar. In the Browser, select the Uses…
GetNextModified – PB Docs 2021
GetNextModified method (DataWindows) Description Reports the next row that has been modified in the specified buffer. Applies to DataWindow type Method applies to PowerBuilder DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, DataStore object Syntax PowerBuilder
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long dwcontrol.GetNextModified (long row, DWBuffer dwbuffer ) |
Argument Description dwcontrol A name of the DataWindow control, DataStore, or child DataWindow in which you want to locate the modified row….