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PB Docs 2018 – PowerBuilder Library

PB Docs 2018

AddItem – PB Docs 2018

AddItem PowerScript function Contents Syntax 1: For ListBox and DropDownListBox controls Syntax 2: For PictureListBox and DropDownPictureListBox controls Syntax 3: For ListView controls Syntax 4: For ListView controls Adds an item to a list control. To add an item to Use A ListBox or DropDownListBox control Syntax 1 A PictureListBox or DropDownPictureListBox control Syntax 2…

AdditionalOpts – PB Docs 2018

AdditionalOpts property for PowerScript controls Applies to MLSynchronization and MLSync objects Description Specifies a command line option or a list of command line options for the dbmlsync synchronization command. For information about available command line options, you can click the Usage button next to the Additional Options text box on the MobiLink Client Additional Options page…

AddItemString – PB Docs 2018

AddItemString PowerScript function Description Adds the child item of JsonStringItem type. Applies to JSONGenerator objects Syntax

Argument Description objectname The name of the JSONGenerator object in which you want to add an item ParentItemHandle A long whose value is the handle of the parent item of JsonArrayItem or JsonObjectItem type Key A string whose…

AddData – PB Docs 2018

AddData PowerScript function Contents Syntax 1: For all graph types except scatter Syntax 2: For scatter graphs Adds a value to the end of a series of a graph. The syntax you use depends on the type of graph. To add data to Use Any graph type except scatter Syntax 1 Scatter graphs Syntax 2…

AddItemTime – PB Docs 2018

AddItemTime PowerScript function Description Adds the child item of JsonStringItem type. Applies to JSONGenerator objects Syntax

Argument Description objectname The name of the JSONGenerator object in which you want to add an item ParentItemHandle A long whose value is the handle of the parent item of JsonArrayItem or JsonObjectItem type Key A string whose…

AddColumn – PB Docs 2018

AddColumn PowerScript function Description Adds a column with a specified label, alignment, and width. Applies to ListView controls Syntax

Argument Description listviewname The name of the ListView control to which you want to add a column. label A string whose value is the name of the column you are adding. alignment A value of…

AddItemObject – PB Docs 2018

AddItemObject PowerScript function Description Adds the child item of JsonObjectItem type in the JSON generator object. Applies to JSONGenerator objects Syntax

Argument Description objectname The name of the JSONGenerator object in which you want to add an item ParentItemHandle A long whose value is the handle of the parent item of JsonArrayItem or JsonObjectItem…

About TreeView controls – PB Docs 2018

About TreeView controls TreeView controls provide a way to represent hierarchical relationships within a list. The TreeView provides a standard interface for expanding and collapsing branches of a hierarchy: When to use a TreeView You use TreeViews in windows and custom visual user objects. Choose a TreeView instead of a ListBox or ListView when your…

About Transaction objects – PB Docs 2018

About Transaction objects Contents Description of Transaction object properties Transaction object properties and supported PowerBuilder database interfaces In a PowerBuilder database connection, a Transaction object is a special nonvisual object that functions as the communications area between a PowerBuilder application and the database. The Transaction object specifies the parameters that PowerBuilder uses to connect to…

AddCategory – PB Docs 2018

AddCategory PowerScript function Description Adds a new category to the category axis of a graph. AddCategory is for a category axis whose datatype is string. Applies to Graph controls in windows and user objects. Does not apply to graphs within DataWindow objects because their data comes directly from the DataWindow. Syntax

Argument Description controlname The…