Powerbuilder Documentation 10.5

Powerbuilder Documentation 10.5

PBDOM object hierarchy – PB Docs 105

PBDOM object hierarchy The following figure shows the PBDOM object hierarchy: Figure 14-1: The PBDOM object hierarchy PBDOM_OBJECT and its descendants The base class for PBDOM objects that represent XML nodes, PBDOM_OBJECT, inherits from the PowerBuilder NonVisualObject class. Each of the node types is represented by a PBDOM class whose methods you use to access…

Using rich text in an application – PB Docs 105

Using rich text in an application Rich text format (RTF) is a standard for specifying formatting instructions and document content in a single ASCII document. An editor that supports rich text format interprets the formatting instructions and displays the text with formatting. In an application, you may want to: Provide a window for preparing rich…

About deploying applications – PB Docs 105

About deploying applications PowerBuilder lets you develop and deploy applications for many application architectures. Traditional client/server applications The primary focus of this chapter is on building an executable file and packaging a single- or two-tier application for deployment. The chapter helps you decide whether to use compiled code or pseudocode, whether to use dynamic libraries…

Deploying applications, components, and supporting files – PB Docs 105

Deploying applications, components, and supporting files Regardless of the type of application you are deploying, you must include any supporting files such as dynamic libraries, resources like BMP and ICO files, online Help files, and initialization files. Each application type requires a different set of supporting files. Planning for deployment Chapter 40, “Packaging an Application…

Accessibility requirements for software and Web applications – PB Docs 105

Accessibility requirements for software and Web applications Organizations that want to make their applications accessible to the disabled might have to comply with several sets of slightly different regulations and guidelines, depending on the countries in which their products will be sold or used. Section 508 Section 508, enacted in 1998, is an extension of…

Managing TreeView items – PB Docs 105

Managing TreeView items An item in a TreeView is a TreeViewItem structure. The preceding section described how to set the item’s properties in the structure and then insert it into the TreeView. This code declares a TreeViewItem structure and sets several properties:

For information about Picture properties, see “Managing TreeView pictures”. When you insert…

Web DataWindow on EAServer – PB Docs 105

Web DataWindow on EAServer You can run the Web DataWindow server component on EAServer using JSP as the page server. The component transaction server and the page server can run on the same or on different computers. Files required on the transaction server Two types of files are required on the transaction server: The PBLs…

About the PowerBuilder window ActiveX – PB Docs 105

About the PowerBuilder window ActiveX The PowerBuilder window ActiveX lets you display a PowerBuilder child window on Web pages viewed in a browser that supports ActiveX. Features The PowerBuilder window can include all the familiar controls, including DataWindows, OLE objects, OCX (ActiveX) controls, and TreeView controls. You can also open other (pop-up or response) windows…

Customizing the Tab control – PB Docs 105

Customizing the Tab control The Tab control has settings for controlling the position and appearance of the tabs. Each tab can have its own label, picture, and background color. All tabs share the same font settings, which you set on the Tab control’s Font property page. Pop-up menus and property sheets for Tab controls and…

Setting up the server – PB Docs 105

Setting up the server After defining the HTML page that displays your plug-in application, you need to set up the Web server. Specifying the MIME type Using the appropriate software for your Web server, register the MIME type for the PowerBuilder window plug-in. Table 33-7 shows the MIME types you can use. Table 33-7: PowerBuilder…