Chapter 2 Using DataWindow Objects – PB Docs 120
Chapter 2 Using DataWindow Objects About this chapter This chapter describes how to use DataWindow objects in an application. Contents Topic About using DataWindow objects Putting a DataWindow object into a control Accessing the database Accessing a Web service data source Importing data from an external source Manipulating data in a DataWindow control Accessing the…
Naming controls in a DataWindow object – PB Docs 125
Naming controls in a DataWindow object You use names to identify columns and other controls in validation rules, filters, PowerScript functions, and DataWindow expression functions. The DataWindow painter automatically generates names for all controls in a DataWindow object. To name columns, labels, and headings, the DataWindow painter uses database and extended attribute information. To name…
Transparent – PB Docs 126
Transparent property for PowerScript controls Controls Animation controls Description When the Transparent property is enabled, the animation control uses the same background color as its container, giving it a transparent appearance. You should also set the Border property to false. Usage In a painter To make the control appear to be transparent: Select the Transparent…
Class user objects – PB Docs 150
Class user objects A class user object lets you reuse a set of business rules or other processing that acts as a unit but has no visual component. For example, you might define a class that calculates sales commissions or performs statistical analysis. Whenever you need to do this type of processing, you instantiate the…
About the Database Profile Setup dialog box – PB Docs 70
About the Database Profile Setup dialog box The interface-specific Database Profile Setup dialog box makes it easy to set additional connection parameters in the development environment or in a PowerBuilder application script. You can: Supply values for connection options supported by your database interface Each database interface has its own Database Profile Setup dialog box…
HTML for inserting the controls on a Web page – PB Docs 120
HTML for inserting the controls on a Web page You include the controls on a Web page with an Object element and associated Param elements. Then you write scripts that direct the control to make database connections, retrieve and update data, and respond to user actions. The way the Object and Param elements look in…
Copying controls – PB Docs 125
Copying controls You can copy controls within a window or to other windows. All properties of the control, as well as all of its scripts, are copied. You can use this technique to make a copy of an existing control and change what you want in the copy. To copy a control: Select the control….
StatePictureWidth – PB Docs 126
StatePictureWidth property for PowerScript controls Controls ListView, TreeView controls Description The StatePictureWidth property specifies the display width of all the state pictures. The size is specified in pixels. If you choose the value (Default) in the painter, or set the value to 0, PowerBuilder uses the width of the first picture in the array as…
Setting toolbar properties – PB Docs 150
Setting toolbar properties You can customize the display of toolbars in applications that you create with PowerBuilder by setting toolbar properties. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
Preparing to use the OLE DB interface – PB Docs 70
Preparing to use the OLE DB interface Before you define the interface and connect to a data provider via the OLE DB: Install and configure the database server, network, and client software. Install Microsoft’s Data Access Components software on your machine. Install the OLE DB interface. Install the OLE DB data provider that accesses your…