Creating and using a named server – PB Docs 90
Creating and using a named server Using your own named server involves these steps: Define the objects you will access. Build the runtime libraries for those objects. Register your server in the registry. Write code in the client that connects to your server, creates objects, and accesses their methods and properties. Creating the user objects…
Invoking the Web service method – PB Docs 90
Invoking the Web service method SoapConnection is used to create the Soap_proxy object and populate the Soap connection options that you set in the SetOptions method. Once a proxy object for a Web service is created, the client application can begin accessing the Web service. To invoke a Web service method, the proxy object must…
Dot notation – PB Docs 90
Dot notation Dot notation lets you qualify the item you are referring to—instance variable, property, event, or function—with the object that owns it. Dot notation is for objects. You do not use dot notation for global variables and functions, because they exist independently of any object. You do not use dot notation for shared variables…
Chapter 23 Building an EAServer Component – PB Docs 90
Chapter 23 Building an EAServer Component About this chapter This chapter explains how to use PowerBuilder to build an EAServer component. Contents Topic About building an EAServer component Working with shared and service components Providing support for instance pooling Providing support for transactions Accessing a database from an EAServer component Defining the component interface Implementing…
About the Database Profile Setup dialog box – PB Docs 90
About the Database Profile Setup dialog box The interface-specific Database Profile Setup dialog box makes it easy to set additional connection parameters in the development environment or in a PowerBuilder application script. You can: Supply values for connection options supported by your database interface Each database interface has its own Database Profile Setup dialog box…
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere – PB Docs 90
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere This section describes how to prepare and define a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere data source in order to connect to it using the Adaptive Server Anywhere ODBC driver. Adaptive Server Anywhere includes two database servers–a personal database server and a network database server. For information about using Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere,…
Appendix A Adding Functions to the PBODB90 Initialization File – PB Docs 90
Appendix A Adding Functions to the PBODB90 Initialization File About this appendix In general, you do not need to modify the PBODB90 initialization file. In certain situations, however, you may need to add functions to the PBODB90 initialization file for connections to your back-end DBMS through the ODBC interface in PowerBuilder. This appendix describes how…
Creating Web page templates – PB Docs 90
Creating Web page templates Different approaches to creating Web page templates are described below. You can use all of the following techniques in a Web target. Using the Web DataWindow DTC The Web DataWindow DTC makes it easy to add a DataWindow to a Web page without writing the code required to connect to EAServer…
HTML for inserting the controls on a Web page – PB Docs 90
HTML for inserting the controls on a Web page You include the controls on a Web page with an Object element and associated Param elements. Then you write scripts that direct the control to make database connections, retrieve and update data, and respond to user actions. The way the Object and Param elements look in…
Using crosstabs – PB Docs 90
Using crosstabs To perform certain kinds of data analysis, you may want to design DataWindow objects in the Crosstab presentation style. The basic steps for using crosstabs in an application are the same ones you follow for the other DataWindow types, but there are some additional topics concerning crosstabs that you should know about. To…