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Tips & Tricks – PowerBuilder Library

Tips & Tricks

Excel File Format enumeration

Excel File Format enumeration. Specifies the file format when saving the worksheet. Example Specifies the file format when saving the worksheet. from Name Value Description Extension xlAddIn 18 Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In *.xla xlAddIn8 18 Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In *.xla xlCSV 6 CSV *.csv xlCSVMac 22 Macintosh CSV *.csv xlCSVMSDOS 24 MSDOS CSV *.csv…

Operation OLEObject Excel Command Powerbuilder

Operation OLEObject Excel Command Powerbuilder Example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 example 5 example 6 Example 7 Function Export Excel File Format enumeration ClickHere Google Luck!

CONSTANT Of Windows API Functions Design

CONSTANT Of Windows API Functions related to the design window Excample CONSTANT Good Luck!

Events List In PowerBuilder

Events List In PowerBuilder Single-select or multiple-select button message (prefix: pbm_bm) pbm_bmgetcheck Whether the radio button or multi-select button is selected. pbm_bmgetstate Whether the button is highlighted. pbm_bmsetcheck Change the selected state of the wireless button or confirmation box to the unselected state, and vice versa. pbm_bmsetstate Highlight or not highlight the button. pbm_bmchange Change…

Functions Popular In PowerBuilder

Functions Popular In PowerBuilder Functions Popular In PowerBuilder Functions Desctions 1. Data type functions   Char : Convert bolb, integer, and string to characters and return   Dec : Converts the contents of a string to a decimal number and returns   Double : Converts the contents of a string to a Double and returns   Integer : Converts the contents of a…

PowerBuilder API Document

PowerBuilder API Document Download API Document Get From Internet Good Luck!

Variables In PowerBuilder

Variables In PowerBuilder Arrays Initializing

Set to Null Array


Default Values Variable Default Value Blob A blob of 0 length; an empty blob Char (or character) ASCII value 0 Boolean FALSE Date 1900-01-01 (January 1, 1900) DateTime 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Numeric (integer, long, decimal, real, double, UnsignedInteger, and UnsignedLong) 0 String Empty…

Convert The Datatypes From Microsoft Win API To PowerBuilder

Convert The Datatypes From Microsoft Win API To PowerBuilder MICROSOFT PB(32Bit) Bool Boolean Char* Ref String Colorref Ulong Dword Ulong Handle Ulong Hdc Ulong Hfile Ulong Hinstance Ulong Hwnd Ulong Int Int Lparam Ulong Lpbyte Ref Long Lpdword Ref Ulong Lpfiletime Ref Time Lpint Ref Long Lpstr,Lpststr Ref String Lpvoid Ref Struct struct_inst Mcierror Long…

123 Tips & Tricks Of PowerBuilder

Collection PowerBuilder Tips & Tricks. Get From The Internet Tips 1: Changing DataWindow object by code methods Tips 2: Open dynamic window approach Tips 3: Displays a consistent style with the Windows operating system About dialog. First, the following statement external function: Tips 4: How COLUMN display style between EDIT, DDDW, DDLB switch between Tips…

Variable Naming Standards In PowerBuilder

Variable Naming Standards In PowerBuilder Variable naming standards for standard variables declared within the Powerscript environment. This includes variables declared in dialog windows such as global and instance variables. The object name should be typed using Camel Case. Camel case is a standard used to aid readability in scripts, the first letter of each new…

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