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Functions Popular In PowerBuilder – PowerBuilder Library
April 9, 2021

Functions Popular In PowerBuilder

Functions Popular In PowerBuilder

Functions Popular In PowerBuilder
1. Data type functions
  Char :Convert bolb, integer, and string to characters and return
  Dec :Converts the contents of a string to a decimal number and returns
  Double :Converts the contents of a string to a Double and returns
  Integer :Converts the contents of a string to an integer and returns
  Long :Returns the contents of a string by converting it to a Long
  Real :Returns the contents of a string by mistake
  Date :Only the Date value is retrieved from the DateTime read from the database.
  DateTime :Convert Date or Time value to DateTime value and return
  IsDate :Checks whether the specified string has a valid date value
  IsNull :Check whether the passed factor is null
  IsNumber :Check if the specified string has a numeric value
  IsTime :Checks whether the specified string has a Time value
  String :Opens a string in the specified format
  Time :Retrieves only the Time value from the DateTime read from the database.
2. Date, week and time functions
  Day :Get a date
  DayName :Find the day of the week
  DayNumber :Express the day of the week as a number (1 for Sunday)
  DaysAfter :Calculates N days before and after on the specified date.
  Hour :Find the poem of a given time
  Minute :Find the minutes of a given time
  Month :Find the month of a given time
  Now :Get the PC’s system time
  RelativeDate :Calculates the date n days after the given date.
  RelativeTime :Find the time after n seconds based on the given time
  Second :Returns the seconds of a given time
  Today :Get the PC’s system date
  Year :Returns the year value of a given date
3. Number function
  Abs :Get the absolute value of a number
  Ceiling :Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified number
  Cos :Find the cosine of a given angle
  Exp :Find the value of e raised to the power of number
  Fact :Find the factorial (4! = 4* 3* 2* 1)
  Int :Discard decimal point and return to nearest integer
  Log :Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number
  LogTen :Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number
  Max :Return the larger value of the two hands
  Min :Return the smallest value of the two
  Mod :Returns the remainder of dividing two numbers
  Pi :3.14159…
  Rand :Generate random numbers
  Randomize :Initialize random number generation
  Round :Round a number to the specified number of digits
  Sign :Determining the sign of a number (positive: 1 negative: -1 0: 0)
  Sin :Returns the sine of a given angle
  Sqrt :Returns the positive square root
  Tan :Returns the tangent of a given value
  Truncate :Drop decimal point and return integer
4. Print function
  Print :Print a string in the current font
  PrintBitmap :Print bitmap image in designated print space
  PrintCancel :Cancel printing
  PrintClose :Send current page to printer and end printing
  PringDefineFont :Font designation when printing
  PrintLine :Draws a line at the specified location with the specified thickness
  PrintOpen :Start print job, assign print number
  PrintOval :Draws an ellipse at the specified location with the specified thickness
  PrintPage :Send the current page to the printer and set a new page
  PrintRect :Draws a rectangle with the specified thickness at the specified location.
  PrintRoundRect :Draw a square with rounded corners at the specified position and with the specified thickness.
  PrintSend :Send to the specified character string printer
  PrintSetFont :Specify the font for the current print job
  PrintSetSpacing :Specify the width between lines
  PrintSetUp :Calling the Printer Setting Dialog
  PrintText :Print the specified character at the specified position
  PrintWidth :The width of the specified string in the current font
  PrintX :X coordinate of cursor
  PrintY :Y coordinate of the cursor
5. String processing function
  Asc :Returns the Ascii value of the first character of a string
  Char :Returns the character corresponding to the given Ascii value
  Fill :Create a string by repeating the specified character
  Left :Returns the number of characters from the beginning of the string to the specified number.
  LeftTrim :Remove spaces from beginning of string
  Len :Return string length
  Lower :Return uppercase letters in the given string to lowercase letters
  Mid :Specify the start and end positions in the given string and return only a certain part of the string
  Pos :Return the position of a given string in another string
  Replace :Convert part of a string to another string
  Right :Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a string
  RightTrim :Remove spaces at the end of a string
  Space :Get an empty string with a specified length
  Trim :Remove spaces from the beginning and end of a string
  Upper :Return lowercase letters in the specified string to uppercase letters
6. System and environment functions
  Clipboard :Get the contents of the windows clipboard
  GetApplication :Get the handle of the current application
  CommandParm :If there is a specified parameter when running the application, the value is calculated.
  GetEnvironment :Get information such as the system’s operating system and processor
  Handle :Used to call Windows SDK function
  Post :Insert a message for the specified window at the end of the message queue
  ProfileInt :Retrieves numeric value from the specified profile
  ProfileString :Retrieves a character string from the specified profile
  Restart :Stop script execution, close all windows, disconnect after database commit, and run the application again
  Run :Run the specified application
  Send :Send messages sequentially to the specified window
  SetProfileString :Save the specified profile value
  ShowHelp :You can read the help file and use it in the PowerBuilder application.
  SignalError :System error occurs at the application level
  Yeild :Allows you to check whether a message from another object or application has occurred in the loop.
7. Time processing function
  CPU :Returns the CPU time from the start of the currently running PowerBuilder application to the present
  Idle :Calls the Idle event when the specified time elapses without any input by the user.
  Timer :Timer event call by designating a timer at regular intervals in the designated window
8. Array processing function
  LowerBound :The lower bounds of the specified array
  UpperBound :The upper boundary of the specified array
9. Bolb related functions
  Blob       :Convert or copy text data to blob data
  BlobEdit   :Copy data supported by PB to blob variable
  BlobMid    :Returns the Nth character in a blob data string
  Len        :Length of string
10. DDE client function
  CloseChannel :Closes the channel of the DDE server application opened with the OpenChannel function.
  ExecRemote :Requests the server application to execute a command.
  GetDataDDE :It receives new data from the connected server application.
  GetDataDDEOrigin :It receives the original data from the connected server application.
  GetRemote :Request data from the server application.
  OpenChannel :Open the DDE server application.
  RespondRemote :It tells the server if the command or data has been accepted by the client.
  SetRemote :Let the server application set the specified value.
  StartHotLink :Start a connection with the server application.
  StopHotLink :Terminates the connection to the server application.
11. DDE Server Function
  GetCommandDDE :Get the command sent by the client application.
  GetCommandDDEOrigin :Find out which client application sent the command.
  GetDataDDE :Get the data sent by the client application.
  GetDataDDEOrigin :Find out which client application sent data.
  RespondRemote :It tells the client if the command or data has been accepted by the server.
  SetDataDDE :Send data to the client application.
  StartServerDDE :Make PowerBuilder run as a server.
  StopServerDDE :Stop PowerBuilder from running as a server.
12. File Handling Function
  FileClose :Close file
  FileDelete :Delete files
  FileExists :Presence/absence of file
  FileLength :File length
  FileOpen :Open file
  FileRead :Read file
  FileSeek :Move location in file
  FileWrite :Write to file
  GetFileOpenName :Open file open common dialog
  GetFileSaveName :Open file saving common dialog
13. Library Function
  LibraryCreate :Library creation
  LibraryDelete :Delete library
  LibrarDirectory :Get a list of all objects in the pb library file.
  LibraryExport :Export all objects in the library file.
  LibraryImport :Imports objects from the designated library file.
14. MAPI function
  mailAddress :Gives an address to a mail message or displays a list of addresses.
  mailDELETEMessage :Delete the mail message.
  mailGetMessages :Retrieves the id of the message.
  mailHandle :Retrieves the internal mail system handle.
  mailLogOff :Terminate the session with the messaging system.
  mailLogOn :Start a session with the messaging system.
  mailReadMessage :Read mail messages.
  mailRecipientDetails :Shows the address information of the designated recipient.
  mailResolveRecipient :Determine unclear recipient names.
  mailSaveMessage :Create a new message in the user inbox or replace an existing message.
  mailSend :Send a mail message.
15. Other functions
  Beep :Beeps for a set time (in seconds)
  DBHandle :DBMS handle return
  IsValid :Check if the specified window is open
  KeyDown :Check if the user pressed a specific key
  MesseageBox :Message box output
  PixelsToUnits :Convert Pixel to PowerBuilder’s Unit
  RGB :Returning a Long value representing a specific color
  SetNull :Null regardless of type of variable
  SetPointer :Convert the mouse pointer to a specified shape
  TypeOf :Determining the type of object Checkbox, Picture of RadioButton, etc..
  UnitsToPixels :Convert PowerBuilder’s Unit to Pixel

Good Luck!

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