Functions Popular In PowerBuilder
Functions Popular In PowerBuilder | |
Functions | Desctions |
1. Data type functions | |
Char : | Convert bolb, integer, and string to characters and return |
Dec : | Converts the contents of a string to a decimal number and returns |
Double : | Converts the contents of a string to a Double and returns |
Integer : | Converts the contents of a string to an integer and returns |
Long : | Returns the contents of a string by converting it to a Long |
Real : | Returns the contents of a string by mistake |
Date : | Only the Date value is retrieved from the DateTime read from the database. |
DateTime : | Convert Date or Time value to DateTime value and return |
IsDate : | Checks whether the specified string has a valid date value |
IsNull : | Check whether the passed factor is null |
IsNumber : | Check if the specified string has a numeric value |
IsTime : | Checks whether the specified string has a Time value |
String : | Opens a string in the specified format |
Time : | Retrieves only the Time value from the DateTime read from the database. |
2. Date, week and time functions | |
Day : | Get a date |
DayName : | Find the day of the week |
DayNumber : | Express the day of the week as a number (1 for Sunday) |
DaysAfter : | Calculates N days before and after on the specified date. |
Hour : | Find the poem of a given time |
Minute : | Find the minutes of a given time |
Month : | Find the month of a given time |
Now : | Get the PC’s system time |
RelativeDate : | Calculates the date n days after the given date. |
RelativeTime : | Find the time after n seconds based on the given time |
Second : | Returns the seconds of a given time |
Today : | Get the PC’s system date |
Year : | Returns the year value of a given date |
3. Number function | |
Abs : | Get the absolute value of a number |
Ceiling : | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified number |
Cos : | Find the cosine of a given angle |
Exp : | Find the value of e raised to the power of number |
Fact : | Find the factorial (4! = 4* 3* 2* 1) |
Int : | Discard decimal point and return to nearest integer |
Log : | Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number |
LogTen : | Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number |
Max : | Return the larger value of the two hands |
Min : | Return the smallest value of the two |
Mod : | Returns the remainder of dividing two numbers |
Pi : | 3.14159… |
Rand : | Generate random numbers |
Randomize : | Initialize random number generation |
Round : | Round a number to the specified number of digits |
Sign : | Determining the sign of a number (positive: 1 negative: -1 0: 0) |
Sin : | Returns the sine of a given angle |
Sqrt : | Returns the positive square root |
Tan : | Returns the tangent of a given value |
Truncate : | Drop decimal point and return integer |
4. Print function | |
Print : | Print a string in the current font |
PrintBitmap : | Print bitmap image in designated print space |
PrintCancel : | Cancel printing |
PrintClose : | Send current page to printer and end printing |
PringDefineFont : | Font designation when printing |
PrintLine : | Draws a line at the specified location with the specified thickness |
PrintOpen : | Start print job, assign print number |
PrintOval : | Draws an ellipse at the specified location with the specified thickness |
PrintPage : | Send the current page to the printer and set a new page |
PrintRect : | Draws a rectangle with the specified thickness at the specified location. |
PrintRoundRect : | Draw a square with rounded corners at the specified position and with the specified thickness. |
PrintSend : | Send to the specified character string printer |
PrintSetFont : | Specify the font for the current print job |
PrintSetSpacing : | Specify the width between lines |
PrintSetUp : | Calling the Printer Setting Dialog |
PrintText : | Print the specified character at the specified position |
PrintWidth : | The width of the specified string in the current font |
PrintX : | X coordinate of cursor |
PrintY : | Y coordinate of the cursor |
5. String processing function | |
Asc : | Returns the Ascii value of the first character of a string |
Returns the character corresponding to the given Ascii value | |
Fill : | Create a string by repeating the specified character |
Left : | Returns the number of characters from the beginning of the string to the specified number. |
LeftTrim : | Remove spaces from beginning of string |
Len : | Return string length |
Lower : | Return uppercase letters in the given string to lowercase letters |
Mid : | Specify the start and end positions in the given string and return only a certain part of the string |
Pos : | Return the position of a given string in another string |
Replace : | Convert part of a string to another string |
Right : | Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a string |
RightTrim : | Remove spaces at the end of a string |
Space : | Get an empty string with a specified length |
Trim : | Remove spaces from the beginning and end of a string |
Upper : | Return lowercase letters in the specified string to uppercase letters |
6. System and environment functions | |
Clipboard : | Get the contents of the windows clipboard |
GetApplication : | Get the handle of the current application |
CommandParm : | If there is a specified parameter when running the application, the value is calculated. |
GetEnvironment : | Get information such as the system’s operating system and processor |
Handle : | Used to call Windows SDK function |
Post : | Insert a message for the specified window at the end of the message queue |
ProfileInt : | Retrieves numeric value from the specified profile |
ProfileString : | Retrieves a character string from the specified profile |
Restart : | Stop script execution, close all windows, disconnect after database commit, and run the application again |
Run : | Run the specified application |
Send : | Send messages sequentially to the specified window |
SetProfileString : | Save the specified profile value |
ShowHelp : | You can read the help file and use it in the PowerBuilder application. |
SignalError : | System error occurs at the application level |
Yeild : | Allows you to check whether a message from another object or application has occurred in the loop. |
7. Time processing function | |
CPU : | Returns the CPU time from the start of the currently running PowerBuilder application to the present |
Idle : | Calls the Idle event when the specified time elapses without any input by the user. |
Timer : | Timer event call by designating a timer at regular intervals in the designated window |
8. Array processing function | |
LowerBound : | The lower bounds of the specified array |
UpperBound : | The upper boundary of the specified array |
9. Bolb related functions | |
Blob : | Convert or copy text data to blob data |
BlobEdit : | Copy data supported by PB to blob variable |
BlobMid : | Returns the Nth character in a blob data string |
Len : | Length of string |
10. DDE client function | |
CloseChannel : | Closes the channel of the DDE server application opened with the OpenChannel function. |
ExecRemote : | Requests the server application to execute a command. |
GetDataDDE : | It receives new data from the connected server application. |
GetDataDDEOrigin : | It receives the original data from the connected server application. |
GetRemote : | Request data from the server application. |
OpenChannel : | Open the DDE server application. |
RespondRemote : | It tells the server if the command or data has been accepted by the client. |
SetRemote : | Let the server application set the specified value. |
StartHotLink : | Start a connection with the server application. |
StopHotLink : | Terminates the connection to the server application. |
11. DDE Server Function | |
GetCommandDDE : | Get the command sent by the client application. |
GetCommandDDEOrigin : | Find out which client application sent the command. |
GetDataDDE : | Get the data sent by the client application. |
GetDataDDEOrigin : | Find out which client application sent data. |
RespondRemote : | It tells the client if the command or data has been accepted by the server. |
SetDataDDE : | Send data to the client application. |
StartServerDDE : | Make PowerBuilder run as a server. |
StopServerDDE : | Stop PowerBuilder from running as a server. |
12. File Handling Function | |
FileClose : | Close file |
FileDelete : | Delete files |
FileExists : | Presence/absence of file |
FileLength : | File length |
FileOpen : | Open file |
FileRead : | Read file |
FileSeek : | Move location in file |
FileWrite : | Write to file | tr>
GetFileOpenName : | Open file open common dialog |
GetFileSaveName : | Open file saving common dialog |
13. Library Function | |
LibraryCreate : | Library creation |
LibraryDelete : | Delete library |
LibrarDirectory : | Get a list of all objects in the pb library file. |
LibraryExport : | Export all objects in the library file. |
LibraryImport : | Imports objects from the designated library file. |
14. MAPI function | |
mailAddress : | Gives an address to a mail message or displays a list of addresses. |
mailDELETEMessage : | Delete the mail message. |
mailGetMessages : | Retrieves the id of the message. |
mailHandle : | Retrieves the internal mail system handle. |
mailLogOff : | Terminate the session with the messaging system. |
mailLogOn : | Start a session with the messaging system. |
mailReadMessage : | Read mail messages. |
mailRecipientDetails : | Shows the address information of the designated recipient. |
mailResolveRecipient : | Determine unclear recipient names. |
mailSaveMessage : | Create a new message in the user inbox or replace an existing message. |
mailSend : | Send a mail message. |
15. Other functions | |
Beep : | Beeps for a set time (in seconds) |
DBHandle : | DBMS handle return |
IsValid : | Check if the specified window is open |
KeyDown : | Check if the user pressed a specific key |
MesseageBox : | Message box output |
PixelsToUnits : | Convert Pixel to PowerBuilder’s Unit |
RGB : | Returning a Long value representing a specific color |
SetNull : | Null regardless of type of variable |
SetPointer : | Convert the mouse pointer to a specified shape |
TypeOf : | Determining the type of object Checkbox, Picture of RadioButton, etc.. |
UnitsToPixels : | Convert PowerBuilder’s Unit to Pixel |
Good Luck!