Accessing a database – PB Docs 70
Accessing a database Using DataStores The objects in a server application can use DataStores to interact with the database. DataStores are nonvisual DataWindow controls. DataStores act just like DataWindow controls except that they do not have visual attributes. DataStores can be very useful in a distributed application. DataStores give you the ability to perform database…
Working with shared and service components – PB Docs 115
Working with shared and service components When you create an EAServer component in PowerBuilder, the wizard offers you a choice of creating a standard, shared, or service component. About shared components How EAServer manages program variable space The EAServer architecture is component-oriented. Each component maintains its own state. When a single client instantiates several PowerBuilder…
GetHttpOnly – PB Docs 125
SoapPBCookie: GetHttpOnly method Description Gets the accessibility of a cookie to page scripts or other active content. Syntax
1 |
<span>acookie</span>.GetHttpOnly ( ) |
Argument Description acookie The name of an instance of the SoapPBCookie object Return Values Boolean. Returns false when a page script or other active content is able to access the cookie. Otherwise, returns true. Document get…
What the wizard generates – PB Docs 126
What the wizard generates You use the ASA MobiLink Synchronization wizard to create a nonvisual user object and a global external function that invokes the MobiLink dbmlsync executable. By default, the wizard also adds two windows and a second global function, but these objects are optional. The wizard-generated objects make it easier to add database…
Using the Database painter – PB Docs 150
Using the Database painter To open the Database painter, click the Database button in the PowerBar. About the painter Like the other PowerBuilder painters, the Database painter contains a menu bar, customizable PainterBars, and several views. All database-related tasks that you can do in PowerBuilder can be done in the Database painter. Views in the…
LCID – PB Docs 2017
LCID database parameter Description Specifies the locale identifier that you want the OLE DB data provider to use. When to specify LCID You must specify the LCID parameter before connecting to the database. Applies to OLE DB Syntax
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LCID='lcid_name' |
Default value None Usage You specify the locale identifier at initialization. This provides a way for…
Enable – PB Docs 2017
Enable PowerScript function Description Enables an item on a menu so a user can select it. Applies to Menu objects Syntax
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menuname.Enable ( ) |
Argument Description menuname The name of the menu selection you want to enable Return value Integer. Returns 1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If menuname is null, Enable returns null….
Creating a Java VM – PB Docs 2018
Creating a Java VM Before calling an EJB component, you need to create a Java VM using the CreateJavaVM method of the JavaVM class. The first argument is a string that specifies a classpath to be added to the beginning of the classpath used by the Java VM. A Java VM might already be loaded The classpath…
Syntax 1: For all objects – PB Docs 2019
Syntax 1: For all objects Description Determines the natural logarithm of a number. Syntax
1 |
Log ( n ) |
Argument Description n The number for which you want the natural logarithm (base e). The value of n must be greater than 0. Return value Double. Returns the natural logarithm of n. An execution error occurs if n is negative…
Referencing parts of a graph – PB Docs 2019
Referencing parts of a graph You use dot notation to reference these display properties. For example, one of the properties of a graph’s title is whether the text is italicized or not. That information is stored in the boolean Italic property in the TitleDispAttr property of the graph. For example, to italicize title of graph…