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PowerBuilder New Features 12.6 – PowerBuilder Library

PowerBuilder New Features 12.6

Select Column dialog box – PB Docs 126

Select Column dialog box Description Select a column to add to the DataWindow object. The list shows all the columns in the data source for the DataWindow object. It includes columns that have been deleted from the DataWindow object or added to the data source but not added to the DataWindow object. See also Adding…

Browsing the examples – PB Docs 126

Browsing the examples When the Code Examples application opens, the left pane contains an expandable tree view listing the categories of examples available. Some examples appear in more than one category. For example, the Business Class example is listed under Inheritance and User Objects. If you are looking for examples showing how to work with…

Setting the language for OLE objects and controls – PB Docs 126

Setting the language for OLE objects and controls When you write automation commands, you generally use commands that match the locale for your computer. If your locale and your users’ locale will differ, you can specify the language you have used for automation with the SetAutomationLocale function. You can call SetAutomationLocale for OLE controls, custom…

Application Techniques – PB Docs 126

Application Techniques Audience You should read this book if you are involved in any phase of a client/server, distributed, or Web application development project that uses PowerBuilder®. How to use this book This how-to book guides you through programming techniques used to build and deploy PowerBuilder applications and components. It does this by equipping you…

Programming the ActiveX control – PB Docs 126

Programming the ActiveX control You make an ActiveX control do its job by programming it in scripts, setting its properties, and calling its functions. Depending on the interface provided by the ActiveX control developer, a single function call might trigger a whole series of activities or individual property settings, and function calls may let you…

Setting up the custom control – PB Docs 126

Setting up the custom control The PowerBuilder custom control container has properties that apply to any ActiveX control. The ActiveX control itself has its own properties. This section describes the purpose of each type of property and how to set them. PowerBuilder properties For OLE custom controls, PowerBuilder properties have two purposes: To specify appearance…

OLE custom controls – PB Docs 126

OLE custom controls The OLE control button in the Controls menu gives you the option of inserting an object or a custom control in an OLE container. When you select an OLE custom control (ActiveX control), you fix the container’s type and contents. You cannot choose later to insert an object and you cannot select…

Events for the OLE control – PB Docs 126

Events for the OLE control There are several events that let PowerBuilder know when actions take place in the server application that affect the OLE object. Events for data Events that have to do with data are: DataChange The data has been changed Rename The object has been renamed Save, SaveObject The data has been…