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Tips & Tricks – PowerBuilder Library

Tips & Tricks

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 7

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 7 PowerBuilder Curriculum Part 7 13. window (1), Open Function:Open the window.This function has two syntax forms:Syntax 1. Open the window Object whose Data Type Is known during programming;Syntax 2. Open the window Object whose Data Type can only be determined after the program runs. Syntax:Syntax 1, Open ( windowvar {,…

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 6

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 6 PowerBuilder Curriculum Part 6 11. Library management (1), LibraryCreate Function:Create an empty PowerBuilder Application Library, And add Library annotations as needed While creating the Application Library Syntax:LibraryCreate ( LibraryName{, comments } ) parameter:LibraryName: String Type, specify the Name Of the Application Library To be created, you can bring the path,…

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 5

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 5 PowerBuilder Curriculum Part 5 7. Date and time (1), Day Function:Get the Number (Integer Value Between 1 And 31) In the Date Type Data. Syntax:Day ( Date ) parameter:Date: the Date Value To Get the Number Return Value:Return Value: IntegerWhen the Function executes successfully, it returns the Number (Integer Value…

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 4

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 4 PowerBuilder Curriculum Part 4 5. String (1), Fill Function:Creates a String Of the specified Length filled With the specified String. Syntax:Fill ( chars, n ) parameter:chars: String Type, specify the String used For repeated paddingn: Long Type, specifying the Length Of the String returned By This Function Return Value:Return Value:…

PowerBuilder Manual Book Part 3

PowerBuilder Curriculum Part 3 V. System functions 1. Array (1), lowerbound Function:Get the Lower bound Of the nth dimension Of the specified array Syntax:LowerBound ( array {, n } ) Parameters:array: array Namen : Numeric Type, optional, specifies the Lower bound Of which dimension Of the array To Get, the Default Value Is 1 Return…

Excel File Format enumeration

Excel File Format enumeration. Specifies the file format when saving the worksheet. Example Specifies the file format when saving the worksheet. from Name Value Description Extension xlAddIn 18 Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In *.xla xlAddIn8 18 Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-In *.xla xlCSV 6 CSV *.csv xlCSVMac 22 Macintosh CSV *.csv xlCSVMSDOS 24 MSDOS CSV *.csv…

Operation OLEObject Excel Command Powerbuilder

Operation OLEObject Excel Command Powerbuilder Example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 example 5 example 6 Example 7 Function Export Excel File Format enumeration ClickHere Google Luck!

Feature Control in Internet Explorer

Feature Control in Internet Explorer Recent versions of Internet Explorer introduce yet another collection of registry settings. This batch are called feature controls. They are in general boolean, such that evaluation as true means that the corresponding feature, which is often some kind of restriction or prohibition, is enabled. As with several other collections, the…

CONSTANT Of Windows API Functions Design

CONSTANT Of Windows API Functions related to the design window Excample CONSTANT Good Luck!

Events List In PowerBuilder

Events List In PowerBuilder Single-select or multiple-select button message (prefix: pbm_bm) pbm_bmgetcheck Whether the radio button or multi-select button is selected. pbm_bmgetstate Whether the button is highlighted. pbm_bmsetcheck Change the selected state of the wireless button or confirmation box to the unselected state, and vice versa. pbm_bmsetstate Highlight or not highlight the button. pbm_bmchange Change…