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PowerBuilder components on EAServer – PB Docs 100 – PowerBuilder Library

PowerBuilder components on EAServer – PB Docs 100

PowerBuilder components on EAServer

To run PowerBuilder components in EAServer,
the runtime libraries for the version and build number of PowerBuilder
in which the components were developed must be available on the
server. When you install a maintenance release of PowerBuilder and
deploy new or updated components to EAServer, make
sure that the PowerBuilder VM on the servers is also updated.

The files listed in Table 41-16 are required on the EAServer host on which components
generated in PowerBuilder will run. If PowerBuilder components do
not use a feature or database interface listed in the table, the
file does not need to be installed on the server. The PowerBuilder
VM also requires the EAServer LIBJCC file and
its dependent files. In the UNIX column of the table, ext represents
the platform-specific extension for library names; for example,
on Solaris this file is

Table 41-16: PowerBuilder files required on EAServer host
Windows UNIX Description
PBVM100.DLL libpbvm100x.ext PowerBuilder virtual machine (required
for all PowerBuilder components)
PBSHR100.DLL pbshr100.ext Required by PowerBuilder virtual machine
PBDWE100.DLL libpbdwe100x.ext DataStore support
PBJAG100.DLL libpbjag100x.ext, pbjag100.ext PowerBuilder support in EAServer
PBDWR100.PBD pbdwr100.pbd Web DataWindow support (requires PBDWE)
htmldw.js htmldw.js Web DataWindow support
PBRTC100.DLL RichText support
libxerces100x.ext, libxerces-c_2_1_0.ext XML support
pbdom100.pbx libpbdom100x.ext PBDOM support
SOAP clients for Web services
PBO84100.DLL libpbo84100x.ext Oracle 8.0.x and Oracle8i 8.1.x database
PBO90100.DLL libpbo90100x.ext (Solaris
and Linux only)
Oracle9i database
PBO10100.DLL libpbo10100x.ext (Solaris
and Linux only)
Oracle 10g database
PBODB100.INI pbodb100.ini PowerBuilder ODBC initialization file
PBODB100.DLL libpbodb100x.ext PowerBuilder ODBC interface
PBSYJ100.DLL libpbsyj100x.ext Adaptive Server Enterprise native database
PBJDB100.DLL libjdb100x.ext JDBC database driver for Sun Java VM
JRE 1.1 or later
libpbwfr100.ext PowerBuilder UNIX extension library
pbjdbc12100.jar pbjdbc12100.jar Java classes for PowerBuilder JDBC drivers
(required for JRE 1.2 or later)

On Windows

You can use the PowerBuilder VM installer, available in the
PBVM folder on the CD, to install the files listed in Table 41-16. The PBVM setup
program also installs the PowerBuilder 10.0 version of the Web DataWindow
server component (HTMLGenerator100) and the PBDebugBroker10 component required
for remote debugging.

You can use other database drivers with EAServer components,
but you must use one of the drivers listed in the table above if
you want to take advantage of EAServer support
for transaction management and instance pooling.


If the files listed in Table 41-16 were not installed when you installed EAServer, they might be available
for your platform from the Sybase Downloads site on the EBFs/Updates page

PowerBuilder components deployed to EAServer on
a UNIX platform can have neither graphical dependencies nor dependencies
on the Windows application programming interface. The shared libraries
must be installed in the EAServer lib directory
on the UNIX server. The Java classes required for the PowerBuilder
JDBC driver must be installed in the EAServer html/classes/com/sybase/powerbuilder/jdbc directory.

Connection caches on UNIX PowerBuilder components require the database drivers listed
inTable 41-16 in order
to use connection caches. When a PowerBuilder component uses a connection
cache, the appropriate PowerBuilder driver is loaded.

To create a connection cache for an Informix or DB2 database,
you can use a DataDirect ODBC driver that is included with EAServer. After creating an ODBC
data source using the file shown in Table 41-17, create an EAServer connection
cache to the ODBC data source.

Table 41-17: PowerBuilder DataDirect ODBC
files for UNIX
Name Database
PBinf914.ext Informix 7.x, 9.x by means of Informix-Client
SDK 2.x
PBdb214.ext DB2 Universal Database (UDB)

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