PBDOM object hierarchy
The following figure shows the PBDOM object hierarchy:
PBDOM_OBJECT and its descendants
The base class for PBDOM objects
that represent XML nodes, PBDOM_OBJECT, inherits from the
PowerBuilder NonVisualObject class. Each of the node types is represented
by a PBDOM class whose methods you use to access objects in a PBDOM
node tree. PBDOM_OBJECT and its descendants are described
in “PBDOM node objects”. You
can also find some information about XML node types in the chapter
on exporting and importing XML data in the PowerBuilder
User’s Guide
The PBDOM_BUILDER class also inherits from NonVisualObject.
It serves as a factory class that creates a PBDOM_DOCUMENT
from various XML input sources including a string, a file, and a
Building a PBDOM_DOCUMENT from scratch To build a PBDOM_DOCUMENT without a source that contains
existing XML, use the PBDOM_DOCUMENT NewDocument methods.
The PBDOM_EXCEPTION class inherits from the PowerBuilder
Exception class. It extends the Exception class with a method that
returns a predefined exception code when an exception is raised
in a PBDOM application. For more information about this class, see “Handling PBDOM exceptions”.