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Using ListView controls – PB Docs 100 – PowerBuilder Library

Using ListView controls – PB Docs 100

Using ListView controls

A ListView control allows you to display
items and icons in a variety of arrangements. You can display large
icon or small icon freeform lists, or you can display a vertical
static list. You can also display additional information about each
list item by associating additional columns with each list item:


ListView controls consist of ListView items,
which are stored in an array. Each ListView item consists of a:

  • Label The name of the ListView item
  • Index The position of the ListView item in the control
  • Picture index The number that associates the ListView item with an image
    Depending on the style of the presentation, an item could
    be associated with a large picture index and a small picture index.
  • Overlay picture index The number that associates the ListView item with an overlay
  • State picture index The number that associates the ListView item with a state

For more information about ListView items,
picture indexes, and presentation style, see the PowerBuilder User’s


Creating ListView controls

You add ListView controls to windows in the same way you add
other controls: select ListView from the Insert>Control
menu and click the window.

Adding ListView items

In the painter Use the Items property page for the control to add items.

proc.gif To add items to a ListView:

  1. Select the Items tab in the Properties
    view for the control.

  2. Enter a name and a picture index number for each
    of the items you want to add to the ListView.

    note.gif Setting the picture index for the first item to zero
    clears all the settings on the tab page.

    For more information about adding pictures
    to a ListView control, see “Adding pictures to ListView

In a script Use the AddItem and InsertItem functions
to add items to a ListView dynamically at runtime. There are two levels
of information you supply when you add items to a ListView using AddItem or InsertItem.

You can add an item by supplying
the picture index and label, as this example shows:

or you can insert an item by supplying the item’s
position in the ListView, label, and picture index:

You can add items by supplying the ListView item itself. This
example in the ListView’s DragDrop event inserts the dragged
object into the ListView:

You can insert an item by supplying the ListView position
and ListView item:

Adding pictures to ListView

PowerBuilder stores ListView images in four image lists:

  • Small picture index
  • Large picture index
  • State picture index
  • Overlay picture index

You can associate a ListView item with these images when you
create a ListView in the painter or use the AddItem and InsertItem at

However, before you can associate pictures with ListView items,
they must be added to the ListView control.

In the painter Use the Pictures and Items property pages for the control
to add pictures.

proc.gif To add pictures to a ListView control:

  1. Select the Large Picture, Small Picture,
    or State tab in the Properties view for the control.

    note.gif Overlay images You can add overlay images only to a ListView control in a

  2. Select an image from the stock image list, or
    use the Browse button to select a bitmap, cursor, or icon image.

  3. Select a color from the PictureMaskColor drop-down
    menu for the image.

    The color selected for the picture mask appears transparent
    in the ListView.

  4. Select a picture height and width for your image.

    This controls the size of the image in the ListView.

    note.gif Dynamically changing image size The image size can be changed at runtime by setting the PictureHeight
    and PictureWidth properties before you add any pictures when you
    create a ListView. For more information about PictureHeight and
    PictureWidth, see the PowerScript Reference.

  5. Repeat the procedure for the:

    • Number of image types
      (large, small, and state) you plan to use in your ListView
    • Number of images for each type you plan to use in
      your ListView

In a script Use the functions in Table 9-3 to add pictures to a ListView image.

Table 9-3: Functions that add pictures to
a ListView image
Function Adds a picture
to this list
AddLargePicture Large image
AddSmallPicture Small image
AddStatePicture State image

Adding large and small pictures This example sets the height and width for large and small
pictures and adds three images to the large picture image list and
the small picture image list:

Adding overlay pictures Use the SetOverLayPicture function to use
a large picture or small picture as an overlay for an item. This example adds a large picture
to a ListView, and then uses it for an overlay picture for a ListView item:

Adding state pictures This example uses an item’s state picture index property
to set the state picture for the selected ListView item:

Deleting ListView items and pictures

You can delete items from a ListView one at a time with the DeleteItem function,
or you can use the DeleteItems function to purge
all the items in a ListView. Similarly, you can delete pictures
one at a time with the DeleteLargePicture, DeleteSmallPicture,
and DeleteStatePicture functions, or purge all
pictures of a specific type by using the DeleteLargePictures, DeleteSmallPictures,
and DeleteStatePictures functions.

This example deletes one item and all the small pictures from
a ListView:

Hot tracking and one- or two-click activation

Hot tracking changes the appearance of items in the Listview
control as the mouse moves over them and, if the mouse pauses, selects
the item under the cursor automatically. You can enable hot tracking
by setting the TrackSelect property to TRUE.

Setting either OneClickActivate or TwoClickActivate to TRUE also
enables hot tracking. When OneClickActivate is TRUE,
you can specify that either selected or unselected items are underlined
by setting the UnderlineHot or UnderlineCold properties. All these
properties can be set on the control’s general properties
page or in a script.

The settings for OneClickActivate and TwoClickActivate shown
in Table 9-4 affect
when the ItemActivate event is fired.

Table 9-4: OneClickActivate and TwoClickActivate
OneClickActivate TwoClickActivate ItemActivate is fired when
TRUE TRUE or FALSE Click any item
FALSE TRUE Click a selected item
FALSE FALSE Double-click any item

Using custom events

In PowerBuilder 7 and later releases, PowerBuilder uses Microsoft
controls for ListView and Treeview controls, and the events that
fire when the right mouse button is clicked are different than in
earlier releases. These are the events that fire when the right
mouse button is clicked in a ListView control:

Table 9-5: ListView control events fired by right mouse button
Location Action Events fired
On an item in the ListView Press right mouse button pbm_rbuttondown
Release right mouse button pbm_lvnrclicked (stock RightClicked!


On white space in the ListView Press right mouse button pbm_rbuttondown

pbm_lvnrclicked (stock RightClicked! event)


Release right mouse button pbm_rbuttonup


Using report view

ListView report view requires more information than the large
icon, small icon, and list view. To enable report view in a ListView
control, you must write a script that establishes columns with the AddColumn and SetColumn functions, and
then populate the columns using the SetItem function.

Populating columns

Use AddColumn to create columns in a ListView.
When you use the AddColumn function, you specify

  • Column
    The name that will display in the column header
  • Column alignment Whether the text will be left-aligned, right-aligned, or
  • Column size The width of the column in PowerBuilder units

This example creates three columns in a ListView:

Setting columns

Use SetColumn to
set the column number, name, alignment, and size:

Setting column items

Use SetItem to
populate the columns of a ListView:

For more information about adding columns
to a ListView control, see the PowerScript Reference

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