Importing objects from an extension file
Invoking Web services
through SOAP requires serialization and deserialization of datatypes,
and the building and parsing of XML-based SOAP messages.
The pbwsclient125.pbx file contains objects
for the .NET Web service engine that enable you to perform these
tasks without extensive knowledge of the SOAP specification and
schema, the XML Schema specification, or the WSDL specification
and schema. You can use these objects after you import the extension
file into a PowerBuilder Web service application.
you use the EasySoap Web service engine, you can import the pbsoapclient125.pbx file or the pbwsclient125.pbx file into your PowerBuilder applications.
However, the pbwsclient125.pbx file requires
the .NET 2.0 Framework on design-time and runtime machines, even
if you are not using the .NET Web service engine. Both extension
files contain the same objects, and you use these objects and their
methods in similar ways.

In earlier releases of PowerBuilder, instead of importing
an extension file, you needed to add a PBD file
to the application library list. Although this is no longer necessary,
the setup program installs PBD files (containing
the same SoapConnection and SoapException objects as the extension
files) in the SybaseSharedPowerBuilder directory.
You can use the pbwsclient125.pbd or the pbsoapclient125.pbd instead
of importing object definitions from the pbwsclient125.pbx or pbsoapclient125.pbx file.
To add definitions from a PowerBuilder extension file to an
application library, right-click the library in the System Tree
and select Import PB Extensions from the pop-up menu. Browse to
the SybaseSharedPowerBuilder directory
and select the extension file that you want to use.
After you import the PBWSClient125.pbx or
the PBSoapClient125.pbx file to your application,
the following objects display in the System Tree:
Object |
Description |
soapconnection |
Used to connect to a SOAP server |
soapexception |
Used to catch exceptions thrown from soapconnection |
When you create a Web service client application, you must
deploy the extension file that you use along with the client executable
to a directory in the application’s search path. You can
use the Runtime Packager tool to automatically include the extension
files required by your Web service applications.