Powerbuilder Interview Questions Part 5
What is PowerBuilder? PowerBuilder is a powerful Windows-based professional client/server application development tool, which allows teams of developers to quickly and easily build sophisticated, graphical applications with access to database information stored locally or on networked servers. Powerbuilder features OBJECT ORIENTATION IMPLEMENTATION: Supports interitance, encapsulation and polymorphism. SQL SUPPORTS: Power builder supports SQL and Strored…
Powerbuilder Interview Questions Part 4
181 What does typeof function return?  182 What does setlibrarylist function do?  183 What does getapplication function return?  184 How can we get next modified row and column?  185 When does updatestart6 and updateend event fire.what are the argument to these events?  186 What all events get fire on calling…
Powerbuilder Interview Questions Part 3
121  Ans.  Can you inherit datawindow objects?  We can not directly inherited the datawindow object but indirectly we can do that by using user Object. 122  Ans. What is the purpose of using user objects?  For the memory Management and applying oops concepts.  123  Ans. When does item…
Powerbuilder Interview Questions Part 2
61  Ans How can you update datawindow created from procedure?  You need to do so from some other procedure Or through the explicit embaded update statement.  62 Ans Can you modify the sql of datawindow runtime and how?  Yes we can modify the sql of the datawindow. Specifies the SQL SELECT…
Powerbuilder Interview Questions Part 1
1 Ans. How can you generate runtime datawindow object?  Using syntaxfromsql function to get sqlsyntaxt for the passed sql string and then calling function create  SyntaxFromSQL: transaction.SyntaxFromSQL ( sqlselect, presentation, err )  Argument Description  Transaction.    The name of a connected transaction object  Sqlselect.        A string whose value is a valid…
Variable Naming Standards In PowerBuilder
Variable Naming Standards In PowerBuilder Variable naming standards for standard variables declared within the Powerscript environment. This includes variables declared in dialog windows such as global and instance variables. The object name should be typed using Camel Case. Camel case is a standard used to aid readability in scripts, the first letter of each new…
Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting For PowerBuilder
Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting For PowerBuilder You can download notepad++ from home page click here Step Setup step 1 open notepad++ Step 2 chooose menu language –>User Defined language –> Defined Your Language… Step 3 Import –> choose file syntax type.xml –> close notepad++ Step 4 open notepad++. you will see Powerbuilder language in menu language…
RunDll32 Executable Utility
RunDll32 Executable Utility RunDll32 executable can be used to start various Windows utilities like the Control Panel rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL Run The Control Panel rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL X Start applet X of Control Panel (“X” = any CPL filename) rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,4 Regional setting, Date tab rundll32 shell32,OpenAs_RunDLL \dir\filename.txt Open The ‘Open With…’ Window rundll32 shell32,ShellAboutA Info-Box…
Fast Fix Winhlp For Windows10.
Fast Fix Winhlp For Windows10 When using key F1 call help in powerbuilder it error with Winhlp. WinHlp32 Fix For Window 10. Good Luck!
Run Commands
Window Call Application Via Run Commands Description Run Command Accessibility Options utilmanorcontrol access.cpl Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz Programs and Features(Add New Programs)(Add Remove Windows Components)(Set Program Access & Defaults ) appwiz.cplcontrol appwiz.cpl,,1control appwiz.cpl,,2control appwiz.cpl,,3 Administrative Tools control admintools Advanced User Accounts Control Panel netplwiz Authorization Manager azman.msc Automatic Update control wuaucpl.cpl Backup and Restore Utility…