Powerbuilder Documentation 8.0

Using point and click – PB Docs 80

Using point and click Users can click graphs during execution. The DataWindow control provides a method called ObjectAtPointer that stores information about what was clicked. You can use this method in a number of ways in mouse events. For example, with the ObjectAtPointer information, you can call other graph methods to report to the user…

Using graphs – PB Docs 80

Using graphs In PowerBuilder, there are two ways to display graphs: In a DataWindow, using data retrieved from the DataWindow data source In a graph control in a window or user object, using data supplied by your application code This chapter discusses the graph control and describes how your application code can supply data for…

Setting up users’ workstations – PB Docs 80

Setting up users’ workstations After building the plug-in application, creating its HTML page, and setting up the server, you need to make sure client workstations are set up to view the plug-in application. To view a Web page that includes a PowerBuilder window plug-in application, users need supporting software installed on their client workstations. They…

Providing support for transactions – PB Docs 80

Providing support for transactions Benefits of EAServer’s transaction support EAServer components that you develop in PowerBuilder can participate in EAServer transactions. An EAServer transaction is a transaction whose boundaries and outcome are determined by EAServer. You can mark components to indicate that they will provide transaction support. When a component provides transaction support, EAServer ensures…

Modifying graph properties – PB Docs 80

Modifying graph properties When you define a graph in the DataWindow painter, you specify its behavior and appearance. For example, you might define a graph as a column graph with a certain title, divide its Value axis into four major divisions, and so on. Each of these entries corresponds to a property of a graph….

Invoking another server component’s methods – PB Docs 80

Invoking another server component’s methods EAServer allows the methods of one server component to call methods of another server component. The other server component does not need to be another PowerBuilder component; it can be implemented in any language supported by EAServer. Accessing a component in the current server To access methods of another EAServer…

Deploying a component to EAServer – PB Docs 80

Deploying a component to EAServer If you are developing a PowerBuilder custom class user object containing business logic that will be deployed to a transaction server, there are some database connectivity issues you should keep in mind. For detailed information about the files you need to deploy with applications or components you build in PowerBuilder,…

Defining the component interface – PB Docs 80

Defining the component interface How the interface is specified EAServer stores all component interfaces in CORBA Interface Definition Language (IDL) modules. IDL is defined by the Object Management Group as a standard language for defining component interfaces. When you deploy a PowerBuilder custom class user object as an EAServer component, the methods (functions and events)…

Creating the PowerBuilder application – PB Docs 80

Creating the PowerBuilder application The starting point of your PowerBuilder window plug-in application is a child window displayed in a Web page. In the window you can include controls and write scripts for events. Your scripts can open other windows, read and write files, and run other programs on the client machine. Design choices for…

Creating an HTML page – PB Docs 80

Creating an HTML page After creating and building the PowerBuilder PBDs for your plug-in application, you need to create the HTML page that displays it. You include a PowerBuilder window on a Web page with the Embed element. Element attributes specify the space allocated for the window, the name of the PBD, and the name…