TextLine – PB Docs 125
TextLine method (DataWindows) Description Obtains the text of the line that contains the insertion point. TextLine works for controls that can contain multiple lines. Controls DataWindow type Method applies to PowerBuilder DataWindow control Web ActiveX DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
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string <span>editname</span>.<span>TextLine</span> ( ) |
[Web ActiveX]
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string <span>editname</span>.<span>TextLine</span> ( ) |
Argument Description editname A reference to a DataWindow control Return Values Returns…
Tag – PB Docs 125
Tag DataWindow object property Description The tag value of the specified control. The tag value can be any text you see fit to use in your application. Controls Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
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<span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.Tag |
Describe and Modify argument:
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"<span>controlname</span>.Tag { = '<span> string</span> ' }" |
Parameter Description…
Time – PB Docs 125
Time database parameter Description When you update data in the DataWindow painter, PowerBuilder builds a SQL UPDATE statement in the background. The Time parameter determines how PowerBuilder specifies a time datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement. Controls JDB JDBC ODBC O90 Oracle9i O10 Oracle 10g ORA Oracle 11g Syntax The syntax you use…
Syntax 4 For the symbol of a data point – PB Docs 125
Syntax 4 For the symbol of a data point Description Obtains the symbol of a data point in a graph. Controls PowerBuilder DataWindow DataWindow control DataWindow Web ActiveX DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
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integer <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetDataStyle</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, integer <span>seriesnumber</span>, integer <span>datapointnumber</span>, REF grSymbolType <span>symbolvariable</span> ) |
[Web ActiveX]
1 |
number <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetDataStyleSymbol</span> (string <span>graphcontrol</span>, number <span>seriesnumber</span>, number <span>datapointnumber</span> ) |
Argument Description dwcontrol A reference to the DataWindow control containing the graph. graphcontrol A string whose value is the name of the…
Syntax 3 For the fill pattern of a data point – PB Docs 125
Syntax 3 For the fill pattern of a data point Description Obtains the fill pattern of a data point in a graph. Controls PowerBuilder DataWindow DataWindow control DataWindow Web ActiveX DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
1 |
integer <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetDataStyle</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, integer <span>seriesnumber</span>, integer <span>datapointnumber</span>, REF FillPattern <span>fillvariable</span> ) |
[Web ActiveX]
1 |
number <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetDataStyleFill</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, number <span>seriesnumber</span>, number <span>datapointnumber</span> ) |
Argument Description dwcontrol A reference to the DataWindow control containing the graph. graphcontrol A string whose value is the name…
Syntax 2 For the line style and width used by a data point – PB Docs 125
Syntax 2 For the line style and width used by a data point Description Obtains the line style and width for a data point in a graph. Controls PowerBuilder DataWindow DataWindow control DataWindow Web ActiveX DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
1 |
integer <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetDataStyle</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, integer <span>seriesnumber</span>, integer <span>datapointnumber</span>, REF LineStyle <span>linestyle</span>, REF integer <span>linewidth</span> ) |
[Web ActiveX]
1 |
number <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetDataStyleLine</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, number <span>seriesnumber</span>, number <span>datapointnumber </span> ) |
Argument Description dwcontrol A reference to the DataWindow control containing the graph. graphcontrol A string…
Syntax 2 For the line style and width used by a series – PB Docs 125
Syntax 2 For the line style and width used by a series Description Obtains the line style and width for a series in a graph. Controls PowerBuilder DataWindow DataWindow control DataWindow Web ActiveX DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
1 |
integer <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetSeriesStyle</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, string <span>seriesname</span>, REF LineStyle <span>linestyle</span> {, REF integer <span>linewidth</span> } ) |
[Web ActiveX]
1 |
number <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>GetSeriesStyleLine</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, string <span>seriesname</span> ) |
Argument Description dwcontrol A reference to the DataWindow control containing the graph. graphcontrol A string whose value…
Syntax 2 For the line associated with a data point – PB Docs 125
Syntax 2 For the line associated with a data point Description Specifies the style and width of a data point’s line in a graph. Controls PowerBuilder DataWindow DataWindow control DataWindow Web ActiveX DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
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integer <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>SetDataStyle</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, integer <span>seriesnumber</span>, integer <span>datapointnumber</span>, LineStyle <span>linestyle</span>, { integer <span>linewidth</span> } ) |
[Web ActiveX]
1 |
number <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>SetDataStyle</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, number <span>seriesnumber</span>, number <span>datapointnumber</span>, number <span>linestyle</span>, number <span>linewidth</span> ) |
Argument Description dwcontrol A reference to the DataWindow control containing the graph. graphcontrol A string whose value is…
Syntax 2 For RichTextEdit DataWindows – PB Docs 125
Syntax 2 For RichTextEdit DataWindows Description Selects text beginning and ending at a line and character position in a RichText DataWindow. Controls DataWindow type Method applies to PowerBuilder DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
1 |
long <span>rtedwcontrol</span>.<span>SelectText</span> ( long <span>fromline</span>, long <span>fromchar</span>, long<span> toline</span>, long <span>tochar</span> { band <span>band</span> } ) |
Argument Description rtedwcontrol A reference to the DataWindow control in which you want to select text. The DataWindow object in the DataWindow control…
Syntax 2 For lines in a graph – PB Docs 125
Syntax 2 For lines in a graph Description Specifies the style and width of a series’ lines in a graph. Controls PowerBuilder DataWindow DataWindow control DataWindow Web ActiveX DataWindow control Syntax [PowerBuilder]
1 |
integer <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>SetSeriesStyle</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, string <span>seriesname</span>, LineStyle <span>linestyle</span> {, integer <span>linewidth</span> } ) |
[Web ActiveX]
1 |
number <span>dwcontrol</span>.<span>SetSeriesStyleLine</span> ( string <span>graphcontrol</span>, string <span>seriesname</span>, number <span>linestyle</span>, number <span>linewidth</span> ) |
Argument Description dwcontrol A reference to the DataWindow control containing the graph. graphcontrol A string whose value is the name of the…