Y1, Y2 – PB Docs 125
Y1, Y2 DataWindow object property Description The distance of each end of the specified line from the top of the line’s band. Controls Line controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.Y1 <br><span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.Y2 |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"<span>controlname</span>.Y1 { = ' <span>value</span> ' }"<span><br>"controlname</span>.Y2 { = '<span> value </span>' }" |
Parameter Description controlname The name of the line for which you want to get or set one of the y…
X – PB Docs 125
X DataWindow object property Description The distance of the specified control from the left edge of the DataWindow object. Controls Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.X |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"<span>controlname</span>.X { = '<span> value </span>' }" |
Parameter Description controlname The name of the control for…
X1, X2 – PB Docs 125
X1, X2 DataWindow object property Description The distance of each end of the specified line from the left edge of the line’s band. Controls Line controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span> dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.X1 |
1 |
<span> dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.X2 |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"<span>controlname</span>.X1 { = '<span> value </span>' }" |
1 |
"<span>controlname</span>.X2 { = '<span> value </span>' }" |
Parameter Description controlname The name of the line for which you want to get or set one of the…
Y – PB Docs 125
Y DataWindow object property Description The distance of the specified control from the top of the control’s band. Controls Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.Y |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"<span>controlname</span>.Y { = '<span> value </span>' }" |
Parameter Description controlname The name of the control for which…
Width.Autosize – PB Docs 125
Width.Autosize DataWindow object property Description (RichText presentation style only) Whether the column or computed field input field adjusts its width according to the data it contains. The Width.Autosize and Multiline properties can be set together so that the input field can display multiple lines. Controls Column and Computed Field controls in the RichText presentation style…
Width – PB Docs 125
Width DataWindow object property Description The width of the specified control. Controls Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.Width |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"<span>controlname</span>.Width { = '<span> value</span> ' }" |
Parameter Description controlname The name of the control for which you want to get or set the…
VTextAlign – PB Docs 125
VTextAlign DataWindow object property Description The way text in a button is vertically aligned. Controls Button controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>buttonname</span>.VTextAlign |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"<span>buttonname</span>.VTextAlign { = ' <span>value </span>' }" |
Parameter Description buttonname The name of the button for which you want to align text. value An integer indicating how the button text is horizontally aligned. Values are:…
Visible – PB Docs 125
Visible DataWindow object property Description Whether the specified control in the DataWindow is visible. Controls Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, Line, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span>dw_control</span>.Object.<span>controlname</span>.Visible |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"<span>controlname</span>.Visible { = ' <span>value</span> ' }" |
Parameter Description controlname The name of the control for which you want to…
Update – PB Docs 125
Update method (DataWindows) Description Updates the database with the changes made in a DataWindow control or DataStore. Update can also call AcceptText for the current row and column before it updates the database. UpdateEx A separate method name, UpdateEx, is provided as an alternative syntax for the Web DataWindow server component, which cannot use overloaded…
Timer_Interval – PB Docs 125
Timer_Interval DataWindow object property Description The number of milliseconds between the internal timer events. When you use time in a DataWindow, an internal timer event is triggered at the interval specified by Timer_Interval. This determines how often time fields are updated. Controls DataWindows Syntax PowerBuilder dot notation:
1 |
<span>dw_control</span>.Object.DataWindow.Timer_Interval |
Describe and Modify argument:
1 |
"DataWindow.Timer_Interval { = <span>number</span> }" |
1 |
DataWindow ( Timer_Interval =<span> number </span>) |