Using Quick Select – PB Docs 115
Using Quick Select The easiest way to define a data source is using Quick Select. To define the data using Quick Select: Click Quick Select in the Choose Data Source dialog box in the wizard and click Next. Select the table that you will use in the DataWindow object. For more information, see “Selecting a…
GetChildElements – PB Docs 125
PBDOM_ELEMENT: GetChildElements method Description The GetChildElements method is overloaded: Syntax 1 retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. The list is stored in the array specified when the method is invoked. Syntax 2 retrieves a list of all child PBDOM_ELEMENT objects nested one level deep within…
Comparing PBNI and JNI – PB Docs 126
Comparing PBNI and JNI If you have used the Java Native Interface (JNI), which allows Java applications and C and C++ modules to interoperate, you might find it helpful to be aware of the similarities in the two interfaces and the differences between them. The IPB_VM interface in PBNI is analogous to the JavaVM type,…
Dynamic SQL Format 2 – PB Docs 150
Dynamic SQL Format 2 SQL statement Description Use this format to execute a SQL statement that does not produce a result set but does require input parameters. You can use this format to execute all forms of Data Definition Language (DDL). Syntax
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PREPARE <span>DynamicStagingArea</span> FROM <span>SQLStatement</span> <br> {USING <span>TransactionObject</span>} ; |
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EXECUTE <span>DynamicStagingArea</span> USING {<span>ParameterList</span>} ; |
Parameter Description DynamicStagingArea The name of the DynamicStagingArea (usually SQLSA). If you…
DS_Password – PB Docs 150
DS_Password database parameter Description When you access a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client 12.5 or higher software, DS_Password is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.) Some directory service providers and…
Analyzing trace information programmatically – PB Docs 115
Analyzing trace information programmatically PowerBuilder provides three ways to analyze trace information using built-in system objects and functions: Analyze performance by building a call graph model A call graph model contains information about all the routines in the trace file: how many times each routine was called, which routines called it and which routines it…
GetAttributes – PB Docs 125
PBDOM_ELEMENT: GetAttributes method Description Returns the complete set of PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects for a PBDOM_ELEMENT object. If there are no PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE objects for the PBDOM_ELEMENT object, the GetAttributes method returns an empty array. Syntax
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<span>pbdom_element_name.</span>GetAttributes(ref pbdom_attribute <span>pbdom_attribute_array</span>) |
Argument Description pbdom_element_name The name of a PBDOM_ELEMENT object pbdom_attribute_array An empty and unbounded array to be filled with references to…
PBX_Notify – PB Docs 126
Exported methods: PBX_Notify method Description Used to initialize and uninitialize a session. Syntax
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PBXEXPORT PBXRESULT PBXCALL PBX_Notify(IPB_Session* <span>pbsession</span>,   pbint <span>reasonForCall</span>) |
Return Values PBXRESULT Examples This sample shows code that exports PBX_Notify and displays a message box after the PBX is loaded and before it is unloaded:
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PBXEXPORT PBXRESULT PBXCALL PBX_Notify<br>(<br>   IPB_Session*   pbsession,<br>   pbint          reasonForCall<br>)<br>{<br>   switch(reasonForCall)<br>   {<br>   case kAfterDllLoaded:<br>      MessageBox(NULL, "After PBX loading", "",<br>          MB_OK);<br>      break;<br>   case kBeforeDllUnloaded:<br>      MessageBox(NULL, "Before PBX unloading", "",<br>          MB_OK);<br>      break;<br>   }<br>   return PBX_OK;<br>} |
Usage If PBX_NOTIFY is exported, the PBVM calls PBX_Notify immediately after an extension PBX…
CloseQuery – PB Docs 150
CloseQuery event Description Occurs when a window is closed, before the Close event. Event ID Event ID Objects pbm_closequery Window Parameters None Return Values Long. Return code choices (specify in a RETURN statement): 0 Allow the window to be closed 1 Prevent the window from closing Usage If the CloseQuery event returns a value of 1, the…
Writing client-side scripts – PB Docs 150
Writing client-side scripts Responding to events If you want to provide additional processing of newly entered data or have more control over user interactions with the data, you can choose to enable events in the Web DataWindow client control. To do so, you set the Client Events property on the Web Generation page in the…