PBDOM_ELEMENT The PBDOM_ELEMENT represents an XML element modeled in PowerScript. The PBDOM_ELEMENT methods allow access to element attributes, children, and text. Methods In addition to the methods inherited from PBDOM_OBJECT, the PBDOM_ELEMENT class has the following methods: AddNamespaceDeclaration and RemoveNamespaceDeclaration to add namespace declarations to and remove them from the PBDOM_ELEMENT GetAttribute, GetAttributes, GetAttributeValue, HasAttributes,…
Using the Database Trace tool – PB Docs 120
Using the Database Trace tool This section describes how to use the Database Trace tool. About the Database Trace tool The Database Trace tool records the internal commands that PowerBuilder executes while accessing a database. You can trace a database connection in the development environment or in a PowerBuilder application that connects to a database….
Creating new toolbars – PB Docs 125
Creating new toolbars PowerBuilder has built-in toolbars. When you start PowerBuilder, you see what is called the PowerBar. In each painter, you also see one or more PainterBars. But PowerBar and PainterBar are actually types of toolbars you can create to make it easier to work in PowerBuilder. PowerBars and PainterBars A PowerBar is a…
Welcome to PowerBuilder Classic Help – PB Docs 126
Welcome to PowerBuilder Classic Help This help describes tasks, concepts, and reference information about PowerBuilder Classic. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
Prompting for retrieval criteria in a DataWindow object – PB Docs 150
Prompting for retrieval criteria in a DataWindow object You can define your DataWindow object so that it always prompts for retrieval criteria just before it retrieves data. PowerBuilder allows you to prompt for criteria when retrieving data for a DataWindow control, but not for a DataStore object. To prompt for retrieval criteria in a DataWindow…
Calling external functions on UNIX – PB Docs 150
Calling external functions on UNIX In PowerBuilder custom class user objects that you plan to deploy as EAServer components on a UNIX platform, you can call external functions in shared libraries compiled on the operating system where the server is running. You cannot call external functions in libraries that make Windows API calls or rely…
Preparing to use the Informix database – PB Docs 120
Preparing to use the Informix database Before you define the database interface and connect to an Informix database in PowerBuilder, follow these steps to prepare the database for use: Install and configure the required database server, network, and client software. Install the native Informix IN9 or I10 database interface. Verify that you can connect to…
Using graphs in windows – PB Docs 125
Using graphs in windows In addition to using graphs in DataWindow objects, you can also place graphs directly in windows and visual user objects. You define properties for a graph control in the Window painter and use scripts to populate the graph with data and to modify properties for the graph at runtime. This section…
To display the Export Library Entry dialog box – PB Docs 126
To display the Export Library Entry dialog box In the Library painter, select an object in a library and then select Entry>Export from the menu bar. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
Working with display formats in the Database painter – PB Docs 150
Working with display formats in the Database painter Typically, you define display formats and associate them with columns in the Database painter, because display formats are properties of the data itself. Once you have associated a display format with a column in the Database painter, it is used by default each time the column is…