Powerbuilder Documentation 15.0

Powerbuilder Documentation 15.0


EXCEPTION_WRONG_PARENT_ERROR Code Value: 9 This exception is thrown when an incorrect parent/child relationship error is encountered during a PBDOM operation. Method calls in which this exception might be thrown include InsertContent and RemoveContent. These methods involve at least one PBDOM_OBJECT parameter that is assumed to be a child of the PBDOM_OBJECT to which the method…

RemoveAuthentication – PB Docs 150

SoapConnection: RemoveAuthentication method Description Removes authentication for a Web service connection. Syntax

Argument Description conn The name of the SoapConnection object that establishes the connection. Return Values Long. Valid values are 0 for success, and 50 for failure. Usage This method clears Basic, Digest, and Integrated Windows Authentication information. You can set authentication with…


EXCEPTION_INVALID_STRING Code Value: 16 This exception is thrown when a string is supplied as a parameter to a method that sets a text or attribute value, and the string contains characters that do not conform to the W3C specifications for acceptable XML characters. Methods in which this exception might be thrown include SetText in PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE…

GetArrayItemType – PB Docs 150

IPB_Session interface: GetArrayItemType method Description Obtains the datatype of an item in an array. Syntax

Argument Description array A valid pbarray structure. dim A pblong array to hold the indexes of each dimension of the array. The size of the array must equal the dimensions of array. Return Values pbuint. See Also Get<type>ArrayItem GetArrayInfo…

GetTarget – PB Docs 150

PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION: GetTarget method Description Returns the target of the PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION object. Syntax

Argument Description pbdom_pi_name The name of a PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION object Return Values String. The target of the PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION object. Examples Given the following PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION object, calling the GetTarget method returns the string “xml-stylesheet”:

Calling the GetName method returns the same string. See…

getBusinessDetail – PB Docs 150

UDDIProxy: getBusinessDetail method Description Gets business details using a business key that is typically obtained from the findBusiness method. Syntax

Argument Description proxy The name of the UDDIProxy object businessKey Business key to search in UDDI registry count Number of search results returned; never larger than the maxRow input parameter in a corresponding setOption…

Creating a PowerBuilder extension – PB Docs 150

Creating a PowerBuilder extension To build a PowerBuilder extension, follow these steps: Step 1: Decide on a feature to implement. Step 2: Define the classes and functions in the extension . Step 3: Declare native classes and global functions. Step 4: Implement native classes and global functions. Step 5: Export methods to create class instances….

FindClassByClassID – PB Docs 150

IPB_Session interface: FindClassByClassID method Description Searches for a class with a given name and a given ID. Syntax

Argument Description group The handle of the group in which the class resides classID The class name in lowercase Return Values pbclass or null on failure. Usage This method searches for a PowerBuilder class with the…

GetExceptionCode – PB Docs 150

PBDOM_EXCEPTION: GetExceptionCode method Description Returns the code of the exception being thrown. Syntax

Argument Description pbdom_exception The name of a PBDOM_EXCEPTION object Return Values Long. The code value associated with the exception being thrown. Examples In this example, an attempt to call the PBDOM_ELEMENT GetAttribute method on the root element of a PBDOM_DOCUMENT with…