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Using Tab controls in scripts – PB Docs 90 – PowerBuilder Library

Using Tab controls in scripts – PB Docs 90

Using Tab controls in scripts

This section provides examples of tabs in scripts:

Referring to tab pages in scripts

notation allows you to refer to individual tab pages and controls
on those tab pages:

  • The window or user
    object containing the Tab control is its parent:

  • The Tab control is the parent of the tab pages contained
    in it:

  • The tab page is the parent of the control contained
    in it:

For example, this statement refers to the PowerTips property
of the Tab control tab_1 within the
window w_display:

This example sets the PowerTipText property of tab page tabpage_1:

This example enables the CommandButton cb_OK on
the tab page tabpage_doit:

Generic coding

You can use the Parent pronoun and GetParent function
to make a script more general.

Parent pronoun In a script for any tab page, you can use the Parent pronoun to
refer to the Tab control:

GetParent function If you are in an event script for
a tab page, you can call the GetParent function
to get a reference to the tab page’s parent, which is the Tab
control, and assign the reference to a variable of type Tab.

In an event script for a user object that is used as a tab
page, you can use code like the following to save a reference to
the parent Tab control in an instance variable.

This is the declaration of the instance variable. It can hold
a reference to any Tab control:

This code saves a reference to the tab page’s parent
in the instance variable:()

In event scripts for controls on the tab page, you can use GetParent twice
to refer to the tab page user object and its Tab control:

Generic variables for controls have limitations The type of these variables is the basic PowerBuilder object
type—a variable of type Tab has no knowledge of the tab
pages in a specific Tab control and a variable of type UserObject
has no knowledge of the controls on the tab page.

In this script for a tab page event, a local variable is assigned
a reference to the parent Tab control. You cannot refer to specific
pages in the Tab control because tab_settings does
not know about them. You can call Tab control functions and refer
to Tab control properties:

User object variables If the tab page is an independent user object, you can define
a variable whose type is that specific user object. You can now
refer to controls defined on the user object, which is the ancestor
of the tab page in the control.

In this script for a Tab control’s event, the index
argument refers to a tab page and is used to get a reference to
a user object from the Control property array. The example assumes
that all the tab pages are derived from the same user object uo_emprpt_page:

note.gif The Tab control’s Control property The Control property array contains references to all the
tab pages in the control, including both embedded and independent
user objects. New tab pages are added to the array when you insert
them in the painter and when you open them in a script.

Referring to controls on tab pages

If you
are referring to a control on a tab page in another window, you
must fully qualify the control’s name up to the window

The following example shows a fully qualified reference to
a static text control:

This example from the PowerBuilder Code Examples sets the
size of a DataWindow control on the tab page to match the size of
another DataWindow control in the window. Because all the tab pages
were inserted in the painter, the Control property array corresponds
with the tab page index. All the pages are based on the same user
object u_tab_dir:

In scripts and functions for the tab page user object, the
user object knows about its own controls. You do not need to qualify
references to the controls. This example in a function for the u_tab_dir user
object retrieves data for the dw_dir DataWindow

Opening, closing, and hiding tab pages

You can open tab pages in a script. You can close tab pages
that you opened, but you cannot close tab pages that were inserted
in the painter. You can hide any tab page.

This example opens a tab page of type tabpage_listbox and
stores the object reference in an instance variable i_tabpage.
The value 0 specifies that the tab page becomes the last page in
the Tab control. You need to save the reference for closing the
tab later.

This is the instance variable declaration for the tab page’s
object reference:

This code opens the tab page:

This statement closes the tab page:

Keeping track of tab pages

To refer to the controls on a tab page, you need the user
object reference, not just the index of the tab page. You can use
the tab page’s Control property array to get references
to all your tab pages.

Control property for tab pages

The Control property of the Tab control is an array with a
reference to each tab page defined in the painter and each tab page
added in a script. The index values that are passed to events match
the array elements of the Control property.

You can get an object reference for the selected tab using
the SelectedTab property:

In an event for the Tab control, like SelectionChanged, you
can use the index value passed to the event to get a reference from
the Control property array:

Adding a new tab page

When you call OpenTab, the control property
array grows by one element. The new element is a reference to the
newly opened tab page. For example, the following statement adds
a new tab in the second position in the Tab control:

The second element in the control array for tab_1 now
refers to uo_newtab, and the index
into the control array for all subsequent tab pages becomes one greater.

Closing a tab page

When you call CloseTab, the size of the
array is reduced by one and the reference to the user object or
page is destroyed. If the closed tab was not the last element in
the array, the index for all subsequent tab pages is reduced by one.

Moving a tab page

The MoveTab function changes the order
of the pages in a Tab control and also reorders the elements in
the control array to match the new tab order.

note.gif Control property array for user objects The Control property array for controls in a user object works
in the same way.

Creating tab pages only when needed

The user may never look at all the tab pages in your Tab control.
You can avoid the overhead of creating graphical representations
of the controls on all the tab pages by checking Create on Demand
on the Tab control’s General property page or setting the
CreateOnDemand property to TRUE.

The controls on all the tab pages in a Tab control are always
instantiated when the Tab control is created. However, when Create
on Demand is checked, the Constructor event for controls on tab
pages is not triggered and graphical representations of the controls
are not created until the user views the tab page.

note.gif Constructor events on the selected tab page Constructor events for controls on the selected tab
page are always triggered when the Tab control is created.

Tradeoffs for Create on Demand

A window will open more quickly if the creation of graphical
representations is delayed for tab pages with many controls. However,
scripts cannot refer to a control on a tab page until the control’s
Constructor event has run and a graphical representation of the
control has been created. When Create on Demand is checked, scripts
cannot reference controls on tab pages that the user has not viewed.

Whether a tab page has been created

You can check if a tab page has been created with the PageCreated function. Then,
if it has not been created, you can trigger the constructor event
for the tab page using the CreatePage function:

You can check whether a control on a tab page has been created
by checking whether the control’s handle is nonzero. If
so, the control has been created.

Changing CreateOnDemand during execution

If you change the CreateOnDemand property to FALSE in
a script, graphical representations of any tab pages that have not
been created are created immediately.

It does not do any good to change CreateOnDemand to TRUE during
execution, because graphical representations of all the tab pages
have already been created.

Creating tab pages dynamically

If CreateOnDemand is FALSE, you can set
the label for a dynamically created tab page in its Constructor
event, using the argument to OpenTabWithParm that is passed to the
Message object. If CreateOnDemand is TRUE, you
need to set the label when the tab page is instantiated because
the Constructor event is not triggered until the tab is selected.
The following script in a user event that is posted from a window’s
open event opens five tab pages and sets the label for each tab
as it is instantiated:

Events for the parts of the Tab control

With so many overlapping pieces in a Tab control, you need
to know where to code scripts for events.

Table 7-4: Coding scripts for Tab control events
To respond to actions in
Write a script for events
belonging to
Tab area of the Tab control, including clicks
or drag actions on tabs
The Tab control
Tab page (but not the tab) The tab page (for embedded tab pages)
or the user object (for independent tab pages)
Control on a tab page That control

For example, if the user drags to a tab and you want to do
something to the tab page associated with the tab, you need to code
the DragDrop event for the Tab control, not the tab page.


This code in the DragDrop event of the tab_1 control
selects the tab page when the user drops something onto its tab.
The index of the tab that is the drop target is an argument for
the DragDrop event:

The following code in the DragDrop event for the Tab control
lets the user drag DataWindow information to a tab and then inserts
the dragged information in a list on the tab page associated with
the tab.

A user object of type tabpage_listbox that
contains a ListBox control, lb_list,
has been defined in the User Object painter. The Tab control contains
several independent tab pages of type tabpage_listbox.

You can use the index argument for the DragDrop event to get
a tab page reference from the Tab control’s Control property
array. The user object reference lets the script access the controls
on the tab page.

The Parent pronoun in this script for the
Tab control refers to the window:

note.gif If the tab page has not been created If the CreateOnDemand property for the Tab control is TRUE,
the Constructor events for a tab page and its controls are not triggered
until the tab page is selected. In the previous example, making
the tab page the selected tab page triggers the Constructor events.
You could also use the CreatePage function to trigger

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