Testing and debugging the component
This section describes three techniques you can use to test
your component:
Troubleshooting EAServer components For more information about troubleshooting components, see
the EAServer Troubleshooting Guide
Live editing
To test or debug a component, you can use a feature of PowerBuilder
called live editing that allows you to build
the project automatically from the User Object painter. When live
editing is enabled, PowerBuilder builds the project for an EAServer component each time you
save the corresponding user object. The generator does not deploy PBDs
to EAServer, but instead tells EAServer how to access the PBLs
that contain the required object definition(s).
Service components You cannot use live editing to test a component that you have
set up as a service component. Service components are always in
use when the server is running, so the changes that you make in
the User Object painter cannot be saved.
How to enable live editing
To enable live editing for a user object, you need to:
- Create a project that includes
the user object for which you want to generate an EAServer component.
You can use an existing PBL that allows for deployment to EAServer, or alternatively, you
create a new project and use this just for testing purposes. - Optionally modify the live editing library list
for the project.
When you are testing a component with a server that resides
on a remote machine, you need to tell EAServer where
to find the PBLs. To do this, you modify the library list on the
Advanced page of the component’s property sheet in the
Project painter, shown below:
The library list you specify must contain fully qualified
paths that use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) names. UNC names
take the form: \servernamesharenamepathfileBy default, the live editing library list is based on the
application library list. You do not need to modify the live editing
library list if your server is local. - Specify the project that will be used to generate
the component in the User object painter.
Enter the project name in the EAServer Project
field, which is located on the General property page of the user
object property sheet shown below.
The project name you specify must meet these requirements:- It must be an EAServer component
project. - It must include the user object that you currently
have open in the User Object painter. - The library list for the project must match the
current application library list.
- It must be an EAServer component
How to generate the component
To generate an EAServer component
from the User Object painter, select File>Save.
What happens when you generate the component
When you build a project from the User Object painter, PowerBuilder
performs these operations:
- Generates CORBA
IDL that describes the nonvisual object you saved
The IDL is in turn used to build stubs and skeletons. The
names of the IDL file, the stubs, and the skeletons are based on
the name of the object.The component generator stores the new IDL in the Repository subdirectory
of the EAServer installation directory. - Generates a PROPS file that
describes the properties of the EAServer component
The PROPS file is stored in the following
subdirectory of the EAServer installation
directory: RepositoryComponentpackage-name
PowerBuilder builds the component just as it would at deployment
time, except that it does not generate PBDs
for the component. In addition, it sets the pb.live_edit
property to TRUE and assigns the library list
you specified for live editing to the pb.librarylist property.
If the project build results in errors, PowerBuilder displays
the error messages in the Output window.
If instance pooling is enabled for the user object, the generator
disables pooling for the current build. Pooling is not supported
with live editing because PowerBuilder cannot save the user object
if the PBL that contains the user object is
locked by EAServer.
Remote debugging
When you are building a PowerBuilder custom class user object
as an EAServer component, you
can use the PowerBuilder debugger to debug the EAServer component. You can debug
the component whether you use the live editing feature in the User
Object painter or deploy the component to EAServer from
the Project painter.
For more information about live editing, see “Live editing”.
Getting ready to debug a component
Before you begin debugging a remote component, check that
your configuration meets the following requirements:
- You are using the same version of the application and PBLs
as were used to develop the deployed component. If you want to debug
several deployed components in the same session, they must all have
been built using the same versions of the PBLs,
the same application name, and the same library list. - The Supports Remote Debugging check box on the Components properties
page in the Project painter is checked. You can also set the debugging
option by checking the Supports Remote Debugging check box in the
Project wizard. - You have a client application that exercises the
methods and properties in the deployed components. This can be a
compiled executable built with any compatible development tool or
a PowerBuilder application running in another PowerBuilder session.
Starting the debugger
To begin debugging, open the target that contains the deployed
components. Click the Start Remote Debugging button in the PainterBar
and complete the wizard. You can select only components that were
generated in PowerBuilder with remote debugging support turned on.
Remote debugging support is a security setting that does not add
any debugging information to the component. You turn remote debugging
support on when you are testing a component, then turn it off when
you deploy the component to a user’s site to prevent users
from stepping into and examining your code.
Set breakpoints as you would when debugging a local application,
then start the client application that invokes the remote components
(if it is not already running).
Differences from local debugging
You will notice two major differences between debugging local
and remote applications:
- When you start the
debugger, it does not minimize. - The new Instances view shows each instance of the
components you are debugging. For each instance, it shows the component
and package names, an instance number, and its current state: running,
idle, or stopped. If there is more than one instance, a yellow arrow
indicates which one is currently being debugged.
Unsupported features The Objects In Memory view, expression evaluation, and changing
variable values are not supported.
About states
The instances view shows the state of each instance of each
- Idle The component is idle or in the instance pool.
- Running The component is currently executing code.
- Stopped The component is stopped at a breakpoint waiting for a debugger
When an instance is destroyed, it is removed from the Instances
Multiple instances
Multiple component instances can be stopped at the same time,
but actions you take in the debugger act only on the first instance
that hits a breakpoint. This instance is indicated by a yellow arrow
in the Instances view. The current instance changes to the next
instance in the queue when the method completes or when you click
You can also change context from one instance to another by
double-clicking the new instance in the Instances view. You might
want to do this if you step over a call to another component instance
and the Instances view shows that the called instance stopped.
Putting messages into the EAServer log
To record errors generated by PowerBuilder objects running
in EAServer to the EAServer log, create an instance
of the ErrorLogging service context object and invoke its log method.
For example:
1 |
ErrorLogging inv_el<br />this.GetContextService("ErrorLogging", inv_el)<br />inv_el.log("Write this string to log") |
You can use the ErrorLogging service to provide detailed information
about the context of a system or runtime error on the server. This
information is useful to system administrators and developers in
resolving problems.
While you are developing components, you can use the ErrorLogging
service to trace the execution of your component. For example, you
can write a message to the log when you enter and exit functions.
The message can identify the name of the component, whether it is
entering or exiting a function, and which function it is in.
Automatic recording of exception information Information about the exception type and location of an exception
caused by a PowerBuilder component running on the server is recorded
automatically in the server log. It is no longer necessary to invoke
the error logging service to obtain minimal information about these
When you use the XSL-FO technique to generate a PDF file,
detailed informational and warning messages are sent to the log.
You can suppress these messages by setting the PB_FOP_SUPPRESSLOG
environment variable to 1.