Step 2: declare the stored procedure as an external function
You can declare a non-result-set database stored procedure
as an external function or external subroutine in a PowerBuilder
application. If the stored procedure has a return value, declare
it as a function (using the FUNCTION keyword).
If the stored procedure returns nothing or returns VOID,
declare it as a subroutine (using the SUBROUTINE keyword).
RPCFUNC and ALIAS FOR keywords
You must use the RPCFUNC keyword
in the function or subroutine declaration to indicate that this
is a remote procedure call (RPC) for a database stored procedure
rather than for an external function in a dynamic library. Optionally, you
can use the ALIAS FOR “spname“ expression
to supply the name of the stored procedure as it appears in the
database if this name differs from the one you want to use in your
For complete information about the syntax
for declaring stored procedures as remote procedure calls, see the
chapter on calling functions and events in the PowerScript
To declare stored procedures as external functions
for the user object:
In the Script view in the User Object painter,
select [Declare] from the first list and Local
External Functions from the second list. -
Place your cursor in the Declare Local External
Functions view. From the pop-up menu or the Edit menu, select Paste
Stored Procedures.PowerBuilder loads the stored procedures from your database
and displays the Remote Stored Procedures dialog box. It lists the
names of stored procedures in the current database. -
Select the names of one or more stored procedures
that you want to declare as functions for the user object, and click
OK.PowerBuilder retrieves the stored procedure declarations from
the database and pastes each declaration into the view.For example, here is the declaration that displays on one
line when you select sp_addlanguage:1function long sp_addlanguage()1RPCFUNC ALIAS FOR "dbo.sp_addlanguage" -
Edit the stored procedure declaration as needed
for your application.Use either of the following syntax formats to declare the
database remote procedure call (RPC) as an external function or
external subroutine (for details about the syntax, see the PowerScript
Reference):1<span>FUNCTION</span> <span>rtndatatype</span> <span>functionname</span> ( { { <span>REF</span> } <span>datatype1</span> <span>arg1</span>, ..., <br>   { <span>REF</span> } <span>datatypen</span> <span>argn</span> } ) <span>RPCFUNC</span> { <span>ALIAS FOR</span> "<span>spname</span>" }1<span>SUBROUTINE</span> <span>functionname</span> ( { { <span>REF</span> } <span>datatype1 arg1</span> , ..., <br>   { <span>REF</span> } <span>datatypen argn</span> } ) <span>RPCFUNC</span> { <span>ALIAS FOR </span>"<span>spname</span>" }Here is the edited RPC function declaration for sp_addlanguage:
1FUNCTION long sp_addlanguage()1    RPCFUNC ALIAS FOR "addlanguage_proc"