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Setting up the OLE control – PB Docs 150 – PowerBuilder Library

Setting up the OLE control – PB Docs 150

Setting up the OLE control

When you create an OLE control and insert an object, PowerBuilder
activates the server application to allow you to modify the object.
After you deactivate it (by clicking outside the object’s
borders in the Layout view), you can use the control’s
property sheets to set up the control.

proc.png To specify the control’s appearance and

  1. Double-click the control,
    or select Properties from the control’s pop-up menu.

  2. In the Properties view, give the control a name
    that is relevant to your application.

    You will use this name in scripts. The default name is ole_ followed
    by a number.

  3. Specify a value for Display Name for use by the
    OLE server. The OLE server can use this name in window title bars.

  4. Specify the control’s appearance and
    behavior by choosing appropriate settings in the Properties view.

    In addition to the standard Visible, Enabled, Focus Rectangle,
    and Border properties, which are available for most controls, there
    are several options that control the object’s interaction
    with the server:




    How the user activates the control.

    Options are:

    • Double Click – When
      the user double-clicks the control, the server application is activated.

    • Get Focus – When the user clicks or tabs
      to the control, the server is activated. If you also write a script
      for the GetFocus event, do not call MessageBox or
      any function that results in a change in focus.

    • Manual – The control can be activated only programmatically
      with the Activate function.

    The control can always be activated programmatically, regardless
    of the Activation setting.

    Display Type

    What the control displays.

    Options are:

    • Contents – Display
      a representation of the object, reduced to fit within the control.

    • Icon – Display the icon associated with
      the data. This is usually an icon provided by the server application.

    • ActiveX document – Display as an ActiveX
      document. ActiveX documents fill the space of the container and
      have access to all the features of the server application.


    What the user can insert in the
    control at runtime.

    Options are:

    • Any – The
      user can insert either a linked or embedded object.

    • Embedded – The user can insert an embedded

    • Linked – The user can insert a linked object.

    Setting Contents changes the value of the ContentsAllowed property.

    Link Update

    When the object in the control is linked,
    the method for updating link information.

    Options are:

    • Automatic – If
      the link is broken and PowerBuilder cannot find the linked file,
      it displays a dialog box in which the user can specify the file.

    • Manual – If the link is broken, the object
      cannot be activated. You can re-establish the link in a script using
      the LinkTo or UpdateLinksDialog function.

    Setting Link Update changes the value of the LinkUpdateOptions

    Size Mode

    How the object is displayed in the container.

    Options are:

    • Clip – The
      object’s image displays full size. If it is larger than
      the OLE control, it is clipped by the control’s borders.

    • Stretch – The object’s image is
      resized to fit into and fill the OLE control (default).

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