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Integrating generated classes with the PowerJ reference card – PB Docs 70 – PowerBuilder Library

Integrating generated classes with the PowerJ reference card – PB Docs 70

Integrating generated classes with the PowerJ reference card

Because the JavaBeans proxy generator creates classes that
are JavaBeans- compliant, you can register these classes for display
on the PowerJ reference card.

proc.gif To integrate generated classes with the PowerJ reference

  1. Use the PowerBuilder Project painter to generate
    a bytecode (.class) file.

  2. In PowerJ, select Components>Add
    Java Component from the menu bar.

    The Java Class Component Wizard displays.

  3. Specify AWT Java Component Palette.

  4. Specify a page on the component palette (typically

  5. Browse and select the class file generated in
    step 1.

  6. Specify any other options you need in the wizard.

    For more information, see the section on adding a JavaBeans
    component to PowerJ in the PowerJ online Help.

  7. Click Finish.

    When the process completes, you can access your classes methods
    and properties through the PowerJ reference card.

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