Foreign Key property view
Define or change the foreign keys for a table.
The name of the table.
Foreign Key
Enter the name of the foreign key you are defining.
Select the columns you want to make part of the foreign key
from the list in the Select Columns box. The selected table names
display in the Foreign Key Columns box and become highlighted.
To delete a column from the foreign key, click the column
name in the Select Columns box. The highlight is removed, and the
column name no longer displays in the Foreign Key Columns box.
Displays the column names selected in the Columns box.
Primary Key Tab
Enter the name of the table containing the primary key. If
you are editing a foreign key, you can change the primary key table.
Displays the primary key defined for the primary key table.
Displays the column names selected in the Columns box.
Rules Tab
On Delete of Primary Table Row
Select the action you want PowerBuilder to take when a Primary
Table Row is deleted. The default is disallow if a dependent row
exists (Restrict).