Edit style properties
To define an edit style in the Database painter, open the
Extended Attributes view and select New from the pop-up menu for
Edit Styles. To modify an edit style, double-click it in the Extended
Attributes view.
To define an edit style in the Database painter, open the
Extended Attributes view and select New from the pop-up menu for
Edit Styles.
To modify an edit style, double-click it in the Extended Attributes
Data Value limit
For most edit styles, you can specify a set of display and data
values (you select the Code Table check box to specify values for
the Edit and EditMask styles). The value you enter in the Data Value
boxes is limited to 255 characters.
Edit styles
Edit edit style (link) {dlgs_200}
Checkbox edit style (link)
DropDownDataWindow edit style (link)
EditMask edit style (link)
InkEdit edit style (link)
RadioButtons edit style (link)