Design-level considerations
Although stricter compiler enforcement for the .NET environment
can catch coding errors typically tolerated by the PowerScript compiler,
the .NET environment might also require changes in application design
that are not necessarily caught by the compiler.
Use PowerBuilder system functions
For a PowerBuilder .NET Web Forms application, use PowerBuilder
system functions instead of external functions whenever possible.
Some system functions, such as the functions for file operations,
are implemented differently for Windows Forms and Web Forms. If
you always use PowerBuilder system functions, you do not need to
worry about these differences.
Use GetCurrentDirectory Some applications use external DLL functions to get the current
directory. For PowerBuilder Web Forms applications, you must use
the GetCurrentDirectory standard system function
PowerBuilder Web Forms use a virtual file system to emulate
a file system on the server for each client. The virtual file system
is actually a folder on the server computer to which the ASPNET
user (IIS 5), the IIS_WPG user group (IIS 6), or the IIS_IUSRS
user group (IIS 7) has write permission. Calling an external function
to get the current directory from the virtual file system fails.
Use the DESTROY statement
The .NET garbage collection service does not trigger the Destructor
event for PowerBuilder objects. If you need to trigger the Destructor
event for a nonvisual object, you must explicitly call the PowerScript
DESTROY statement for that object.
Use regional formats based on client or server settings
The PBCultureSource global property determines whether a .NET
Web Forms application uses client or server regional settings. Client
regional settings are specified by the first language listed in
the Language Preference dialog box of the Internet Explorer browser.
However, if you set PBCultureSource to “client” and
no language is listed in the Language Preference dialog box, server-side regional
settings are used instead.
Server regional settings are those set for the ASP.NET user
or user group on the server computer. You can use the IIS Manager
to change the default regional settings in the Globalization section
of the Web.config files for your Web Forms applications,
or you can modify the Web.config files manually
after you deploy your applications.
The regional settings specify formats for the following items:
- numeric separators (decimals or commas)
- number of digits per group to the left of a separator
- currency symbol location when a specific EditMask
is not used - date and time values
The regional settings apply to DataWindow columns of relevant
datatypes and to the following PowerScript controls and functions:
- DatePicker control using the DtfLongDate!, DtfShortDate!
or DtfTime! format - EditMask control when the mask contains a [DATE], [TIME],
or [CURRENCY [{digit number}] format - MonthCalendar control
- System String (v) function
when the data argument datatype is Date, Time, or DateTime (the
formats for these datatypes are [SHORTDATE], [TIME], or [SHORTDATE][TIME],
respectively) - System String (v, f) function
when the format argument is [SHORTDATE], [LONGDATE], [DATE], [TIME],
The regional
settings selection can also apply to objects you include in .NET conditional
compilation blocks. It does not apply to button labels in message boxes
or other system dialog boxes.
You can set the PBCultureSource global property on the Configurations
tab in the Web Forms Project painter before you deploy a project.
By default, applications use the regional settings specified by
the Web Forms server.
Use multiple text patterns for string matching
If you want to test whether a string’s value contains
any of a multiple set of matching text patterns, you can use the
pipe character ( | ) in your .NET applications or components.
The pipe character is a metacharacter in the .NET environment that
functions as an OR operator, although it is not a metacharacter
in the standard PowerBuilder client-server environment. Therefore,
when you call the Match function in the .NET
environment, you can use pipe characters to determine if either
of two (or one of many) text patterns match a string you are evaluating.
In standard client-server applications, you can use the Match function
to evaluate only one text pattern at a time.
Work around unsupported features
Avoid using Handle Some applications call the Handle function
to get the window handle of a control and pass it to an external
function. This does not work in a Web Forms application.
Restrict impact of unsupported events Since unsupported events are never triggered, do not allow
the logic in unsupported events to affect the logic flow of other
events or functions. For example, if the code in an unsupported event
changes the value of an instance variable, it can affect the logic
flow in a supported event that uses that variable. Remove this type
of coding from unsupported events.
Avoid name conflicts PowerBuilder allows two objects to have the same name if they
are of different types. For example, you can use the name s_address to
define a structure and a static text control or a nonvisual object
in the same PowerBuilder application. The .NET environment does
not allow two classes to have the same name. To enable your application
to compile in .NET, you must not give the same name to multiple
objects, even if they are of different types.
Using structures in inherited objects Using local structures in inherited objects can prevent deployment
of a .NET project. To deploy the project, replace all local structures
defined in inherited objects with global structures.
AcceptText is redundant In the Web Forms deployment version of the DataWindow, explicit invocations
of AcceptText are redundant but harmless. Any
loss of focus of a DataWindow implicitly invokes AcceptText.
Avoid hindrances to application performance
Some functions and features that are fully supported can hinder
application performance. Use these functions and features sparingly
and avoid them where possible.
Response windows and message boxes Although response windows and message boxes are supported
in Web Forms, use them only when absolutely necessary. Response
windows and message boxes require more server-side resources than
other kinds of windows.
Hiding a response window in a Web Forms application does not
work properly and can cause the application to fail. Instead of
hiding a response window, always close it when the user has finished
with it.
Yield Although the Yield function works in a
Web Forms application, avoid it whenever possible, because it requires
additional server-side resources.
Timers Timers are supported in Web Forms applications, but they periodically
generate postbacks and can impede data entry. Use them sparingly and
avoid including them on forms that require data entry. When you
use them, delay the postbacks by appropriate scripting of client-side
PFC The DataWindow service in PFC handles many DataWindow events. Each
event causes a postback for each mouse-click, which adversely affects application
performance. Delay postbacks by scripting client-side events or cache
DataWindow data in the client browser by setting the paging method property
for the DataWindow object to XMLClient!.