Connection Information

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Connection Type

Connecting to the server – PB Docs 100 – PowerBuilder Library

Connecting to the server – PB Docs 100

Connecting to the server

The EJBConnection class is used to connect to an EJB server
and locate an EJB. It has four methods: ConnectToServer, DisconnectServer, Lookup,
and GetEJBTransaction.

To establish
a connection to the server, you need to execute the PowerScript statements
required to perform these operations:

  1. Declare an instance
    of the EJBConnection class.
  2. Set properties for the EJBConnection object.
  3. Use the CREATE statement to instantiate
    the EJBConnection object.
  4. Invoke the ConnectToServer method
    to establish a connection to the server.
  5. Check for errors.

Class path requirements

To connect to the application server and create an EJB object,
the system CLASSPATH environment variable or the classpath argument
of createJavaVM must contain the location of
the EJB stub files, either a directory or a JAR file. The application
server you are using might also require that some classes or JAR
files be available on the client computer and added to the class path.
For more information, see “The Java VM classpath
in the development environment”

Setting the initial context

The string used to establish the initial context depends on
the EJB server. The following table shows sample string values.
See the documentation for your server for more information.

EAServer com.sybase.ejb.InitialContextFactory
WebLogic weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory


The following script shows a connection to EAServer. It sets connection properties
to create an initial context, to identify the host name and port
number of the server, and to identify the user ID and password.

note.gif IIOPS IIOPS connections are not currently supported.

Then, the script creates an instance of the EJBConnection
object, invokes the ConnectToServer method to
establish a connection to the server, and checks for errors:

Disconnecting from the server

When your application has finished using the EJB server, it
should disconnect from the server:

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