Powerbuilder Documentation Older

Controlling access for instance variables – PB Docs 70

Controlling access for instance variables Instance variables have access settings that provide control over how other objects’ scripts access them. You can specify that a variable is: Public Accessible to any other object Protected Accessible only in scripts for the object and its descendants Private Accessible in scripts for the object only For example:

Why distributed computing – PB Docs 70

Why distributed computing About distributed computing Distributed computing allows you to get the most out of your investment in the network computer architecture. By taking advantage of the capabilities of distributed computing, you can streamline the process of developing and deploying PowerBuilder applications on network computer systems. Distributed computing is a natural outgrowth of the…

Using the runtime automation server – PB Docs 70

Using the runtime automation server Chapter 17, “Using OLE in an Application “, explains how PowerBuilder provides containers for OLE objects and custom controls and how you can use automation to program those objects. The functionality for those objects is provided by server applications. The programming tells a server application how to manipulate its data….

CreateObject function – PB Docs 70

CreateObject function Description Creates an instance of a PowerBuilder class in a PowerBuilder.Application OLE server session. Controls PowerBuilder.Application (automation server) Syntax

Argument Description automationobject When PowerBuilder is the OLE client, the name of the OLEObject instantiated with the PowerBuilder.Application automation server. For other clients, use syntax appropriate for calling a function belonging to an…

GenerateGUID function – PB Docs 70

GenerateGUID function Description Creates a globally unique identifier (GUID) that can be used as a class ID (CLSID) when you register an object and its type library in the Windows registry. Both the object and its type library have their own GUID. Controls PowerBuilder.Application (automation server) Syntax

Argument Description automationobject When PowerBuilder is the…

GenerateRegFile function – PB Docs 70

GenerateRegFile function Description Creates a file with registry update instructions for deploying a PowerBuilder object as an automation server. Controls PowerBuilder.Application (automation server) Syntax

Argument Description automationobject When PowerBuilder is the OLE client, the name of the OLEObject instantiated with the PowerBuilder.Application automation server. For other clients, use syntax appropriate for calling a function…

Resolving naming conflicts – PB Docs 70

Resolving naming conflicts There are two areas in which name conflicts occur: Variables that are defined within different scopes can have the same name. For example, a global variable can have the same name as a local or instance variable. The compiler will warn you of these conflicts, but you don’t have to change the…

GenerateTypeLib function – PB Docs 70

GenerateTypeLib function Description Creates a file with type library information for a PowerBuilder object you are deploying as an automation server. Access PowerBuilder.Application (automation server) Syntax

Argument Description automationobject When PowerBuilder is the OLE client, the name of the OLEObject instantiated with the PowerBuilder.Application automation server. For other clients, use syntax appropriate for calling…

About MAPI – PB Docs 70

About MAPI PowerBuilder supports MAPI (messaging application program interface), so you can enable your applications to send and receive messages using any MAPI-compliant electronic mail system. For example, your PowerBuilder applications can: Send mail with the results of an analysis performed in the application Send mail when a particular action is taken during the application…

Using MAPI – PB Docs 70

Using MAPI To use MAPI, you create a MailSession object, then use the MailSession functions to manage it. For example:

You can use the Browser to get details about the attributes and functions of the MailSession system object, the attributes of the mail-related structures, and the valid…