Connection Information

To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.

Connection Type

Powerbuilder Documentation 15.0 – Page 511 – PowerBuilder Library

Powerbuilder Documentation 15.0

Troubleshooting .NET Targets – PB Docs 150

Troubleshooting .NET Targets Troubleshooting tips for PowerBuilder .NET applications and components can help you diagnose and correct deployment and runtime errors. Troubleshooting Deployment Errors The deployment process has two steps: the PowerBuilder-to-C# emitter (pb2cs) runs, then the project is compiled. Troubleshooting Runtime Errors If a .NET application or component produces unexpected errors, make sure that…

Support for CORBAObject and CORBACurrent Objects – PB Docs 150

Support for CORBAObject and CORBACurrent Objects The CORBAObject object gives PowerBuilder clients access to several standard CORBA methods. All proxy objects generated for EAServer components using the EAServer proxy generator are descendants of CORBAObject. The CORBACurrent service object provides information about the EAServer transaction associated with a calling thread and enables the caller to control…

Server Authentication – PB Docs 150

Server Authentication If only server authentication is required, the EAServer client must provide authentication to the server to prove that the client can be trusted before it can connect to the server. By default, EAServer 6.x uses 2001 as the port for this type of SSL connection. Connection Code In the PowerScript connection code, change…