Powerbuilder Documentation 15.0

Auxiliary objects for MobiLink synchronization – PB Docs 150

Auxiliary objects for MobiLink synchronization If you create an instance of MLSync by PowerScript code or from the New dialog box, you should also consider using auxiliary objects that are generated automatically by the wizard that you can customize in the PowerBuilder Window painter. Using an existing synchronization progress window After you instantiate an MLSync…

Creating an instance of MLSync – PB Docs 150

Creating an instance of MLSync You do not have to use the MobiLink Synchronization Wizard to create a nonvisual object that launches Dbmlsync.exe. You can include an MLSync system object in your applications: Programmatically with PowerScript By selecting it from the New dialog box Adding an MLSync object programatically The code fragment below creates an…

What gets generated – PB Docs 150

What gets generated The wizard generates two sets of objects. Objects that initiate and monitor synchronization The first set of objects lets the end user initiate and monitor synchronization: nvo_appname_mlsync – a custom class user object that controls the MobiLink client (appname is the name of your application) gf_appname_sync – a global function that instantiates…

Preparing to use the wizard – PB Docs 150

Preparing to use the wizard Before you use the wizard in a production application, you need to complete the following tasks: Set up a consolidated database and write synchronization scripts as described in “Preparing consolidated databases” Create a remote database on the desktop and set up one or more publications, users, and subscriptions as described…

Working with PowerBuilder synchronization objects – PB Docs 150

Working with PowerBuilder synchronization objects When you run the ASA MobiLink Synchronization wizard from the Database page in the New dialog box, the wizard generates objects that let you initiate and control MobiLink synchronization requests from a PowerBuilder application. These objects let you obtain feedback during the synchronization process, code PowerScript events at specific points…

Language Techniques – PB Docs 150

Language Techniques This part presents a collection of programming techniques you can use to take advantage of PowerBuilder object-oriented features and PowerScript® language elements, including the ClassDefinition object. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

How the synchronization works – PB Docs 150

How the synchronization works How MLSync events are implemented The MLSync object in a PowerBuilder application and the dbmlsync process communicate with each other by sending messages between two windows, as shown in Figure 13-2. The window that the MLSync object creates uses an internal function, MlSyncControlWindowProc, to process these messages. The Synchronize function adds…

About MobiLink synchronization – PB Docs 150

About MobiLink synchronization MobiLink is a session-based synchronization system that allows two-way synchronization between a main database, called the consolidated database, and many remote databases. This section introduces some MobiLink terms and concepts. Where to find additional information Detailed information about MobiLink synchronization is provided in the MobiLink Getting Started, the MobiLink – Client Administration,…

Using MobiLink Synchronization – PB Docs 150

Using MobiLink Synchronization About this chapter This chapter supplements the introduction to MobiLink synchronization presented in the database management chapter of the Users Guide. It provides additional background on the synchronization process and the use of objects generated by the MobiLink synchronization wizard. It also discusses how to create synchronization objects without using the wizard….

Step 3: save the user object – PB Docs 150

Step 3: save the user object To save the user object: In the User Object painter, click the Save button, or select File>Save from the menu bar. The Save User Object dialog box displays. Specify the name of the user object, comments that describe its purpose, and the library in which to save the user…