PB Docs 120

Chapter 18 Using DDE in an Application – PB Docs 120

Chapter 18 Using DDE in an Application About this chapter This chapter describes how PowerBuilder supports DDE. Contents Topic About DDE DDE functions and events Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

Program Access Techniques – PB Docs 120

Program Access Techniques This part presents a collection of techniques you can use to implement program access features in the applications you develop with PowerBuilder. It includes using DDE in an application, using OLE in an application, building a mail-enabled application, and adding other processing extensions. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

Terminology review – PB Docs 120

Terminology review Classes, properties, and methods In object-oriented programming, you create reusable classes to perform application processing. These classes include properties and methods that define the class’s behavior. To perform application processing, you create instances of these classes. PowerBuilder implements these concepts as follows: Classes PowerBuilder objects (such as windows, menus, window controls, and user…

Chapter 17 Piping Data Between Data Sources – PB Docs 120

Chapter 17 Piping Data Between Data Sources About this chapter This chapter tells you how you can use a Pipeline object in your application to pipe data from one or more source tables to a new or existing destination table. Contents Topic About data pipelines Building the objects you need Performing some initial housekeeping Starting…

Building the objects you need – PB Docs 120

Building the objects you need To implement data piping in an application, you need to build a few different objects: A Pipeline object A supporting user object A window Building a Pipeline object You must build a Pipeline object to specify the data definition and access aspects of the pipeline that you want your application…

Performing some initial housekeeping – PB Docs 120

Performing some initial housekeeping Now that you have the basic objects you need, you are ready to start writing code to make your pipeline work in the application. To begin, you must take care of some setup chores that will prepare the application to handle pipeline execution. To get the application ready for pipeline execution:…

Starting the pipeline – PB Docs 120

Starting the pipeline With the setup chores taken care of, you can now start the execution of your pipeline. To start pipeline execution: Code the Start function in an appropriate script. In this function, you specify: The Transaction object for the source database The Transaction object for the destination database The DataWindow control in which…

Handling row errors – PB Docs 120

Handling row errors When a pipeline executes, it may be unable to write particular rows to the destination table. For instance, this could happen with a row that has the same primary key as a row already in the destination table. Using the pipeline-error DataWindow To help you handle such error rows, the pipeline places…

Performing some final housekeeping – PB Docs 120

Performing some final housekeeping When your application has finished processing pipelines, you need to make sure it takes care of a few cleanup chores. These chores basically involve releasing the resources you obtained at the beginning to support pipeline execution. Garbage collection You should avoid using the DESTROY statement to clean up resources unless you…

OLE controls and insertable objects – PB Docs 120

OLE controls and insertable objects The OLE control contains an insertable OLE object. You can change the object in the control in the painter or in a script. You specify what is allowed in the control by setting PowerBuilder properties. Setting up the OLE control When you create an OLE control and insert an object,…