Objects and Controls

RadioButton control – PB Docs 125

RadioButton control A RadioButton is a small round button that is used to turn an option on and off. When the option is on, the button has a dark center. When the option is off, the center is blank. In a GroupBox RadioButtons are often grouped in a GroupBox. In this case, the user can…

ResultSets object – PB Docs 125

ResultSets object The ResultSets object provides the ability to handle multiple result sets returned from EAServer. Properties ResultSets property Datatype Description ClassDefinition PowerObject An object of type PowerObject containing information about the class definition of the object or control ResultSetList ResultSet object An array of ResultSet objects Events ResultSets event Occurs Constructor When the object…

SimpleTypeDefinition object – PB Docs 125

SimpleTypeDefinition object Information about the type of a scalar variable. SimpleTypeDefinition is inherited from TypeDefinition and has no additional properties or functions. For the list of properties and functions, see the TypeDefinition object . Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

Profiling object – PB Docs 125

Profiling object The Profiling object is used to analyze the performance of a PowerBuilder application. It provides a performance analysis model listing all the routines (both functions and events) logged in a given trace file. It includes the functions you call to name the trace file to be analyzed, build the model, and list the…

RoundRectangle control – PB Docs 125

RoundRectangle control A RoundRectangle is a filled or outlined rectangular drawing object with rounded corners that you typically use for design purposes (for example, you can put a CommandButton or a picture in a RoundRectangle). When you use a RoundRectangle to group controls, the grouping does not affect the behavior of the controls in the…

OLEStream object – PB Docs 125

OLEStream object The OLEStream object acts as a proxy for an OLE stream. You can customize your own version of the OLEStream object by defining a class user object inherited from the built-in OLEStream object. For more information about creating a custom OLEStream object, see the chapter on user objects in the PowerBuilder Users Guide….

OLETxnObject object – PB Docs 125

OLETxnObject object The OLETxnObject object provides explicit control of MTS transactions to PowerBuilder clients using the SetComplete and SetAbort functions. OLETxnObject inherits from the OLEObject object. Properties OLETxnObject property Datatype Description ClassDefinition PowerObject An object of type PowerObject containing information about the class definition of the object or control Handle Objhandle Internal use only Events…

ProfileLine object – PB Docs 125

ProfileLine object The ProfileLine object provides information about the lines in each routine in the performance analysis model, including the number of times the line was hit, any calls made from the line, and the time (in seconds) spent on the line and in any called functions. You use the ProfileLine object in conjunction with…

ProfileRoutine object – PB Docs 125

ProfileRoutine object The ProfileRoutine object provides information about the routines in the performance analysis model. It includes the time (in seconds) spent in the routine, any called routines, the number of times each routine was called, and the class to which the routine belongs. You use the ProfileRoutine object in conjunction with the Profiling and…

PictureListBox control – PB Docs 125

PictureListBox control A PictureListBox displays available options or values, which can include pictures. If more options or values exist than can display in the PictureListBox at one time or the text exceeds the width of the PictureListBox, the PictureListBox has one or two (vertical or horizontal) scroll bars. PictureListBox controls can contain images in the…