Powerbuilder Documentation 9.0

Powerbuilder Documentation 9.0

About TreeView controls – PB Docs 90

About TreeView controls TreeView controls provide a way to represent hierarchical relationships within a list. The TreeView provides a standard interface for expanding and collapsing branches of a hierarchy: When to use a TreeView You use TreeViews in windows and custom visual user objects. Choose a TreeView instead of a ListBox or ListView when your…

About MDI – PB Docs 90

About MDI Multiple Document Interface (MDI) is an application style you can use to open multiple windows (called sheets) in a single window and move among the sheets. To build an MDI application, you define a window whose type is MDI Frame and open other windows as sheets within the frame. Most large-scale Windows applications…

Chapter 15 Implementing Rich Text – PB Docs 90

Chapter 15 Implementing Rich Text About this chapter This chapter explains how to use rich text in an application, either in a RichText DataWindow object or in a RichTextEdit control. Contents Topic Using rich text in an application Using a RichText DataWindow object Using a RichTextEdit control Rich text and the user Before you begin…

Providing online Help for users – PB Docs 90

Providing online Help for users Two ways to call Help from an application PowerBuilder provides two principal ways of calling an online Help file from a PowerBuilder application: Use the ShowHelp and ShowPopupHelp PowerScript functions in your application scripts to call Help topics. Declare the WinHelp API as an external function and use the WinHelp…

DDE functions and events – PB Docs 90

DDE functions and events The following tables list the DDE functions and events separated into those functions and events used by DDE clients and those used by DDE servers. For more information on DDE support, see the PowerScript Reference . Return values Every DDE function returns an integer. DDE client Table 17-1: DDE client functions…

PBDOM node objects – PB Docs 90

PBDOM node objects This section describes the PBDOM_OBJECT class and all of the classes that descend from it: PBDOM_OBJECT PBDOM_DOCUMENT PBDOM_DOCTYPE PBDOM_ELEMENT PBDOM_ATTRIBUTE PBDOM_ENTITYREFERENCE PBDOM_CHARACTERDATA PBDOM_TEXT PBDOM_CDATA PBDOM_COMMENT PBDOM_PROCESSINGINSTRUCTION For detailed descriptions of PBDOM class methods, see the PowerBuilder Extension Reference. PBDOM_OBJECT The PBDOM_OBJECT class represents any node in an XML node tree and serves…

Overview of class definition information – PB Docs 90

Overview of class definition information A ClassDefinition object is a PowerBuilder object that provides information about the class of another PowerBuilder object. You can examine a class in a PowerBuilder library or the class of an instantiated object. By examining the properties of its ClassDefinition object, you can get details about how that class fits…

Completing the style – PB Docs 90

Completing the style To complete your form style, enhance the window and menu to provide the processing you want. For example, you can: Work with the central DataWindow control Add controls to the window Define actions (functions that appear as actions in your form style) Modify the menu and its associated toolbar Write scripts for…

Return values from ancestor scripts – PB Docs 90

Return values from ancestor scripts If you want to perform some processing in an event in a descendent object, but that processing depends on the return value of the ancestor event script, you can use a local variable called AncestorReturnValue that is automatically declared and assigned the return value of the ancestor event. The first…

Chapter 25 Using SSL in PowerBuilder clients – PB Docs 90

Chapter 25 Using SSL in PowerBuilder clients PowerBuilder clients can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to connect to EAServer. Among other security features, SSL provides certificate-based authentication of the server, optional certificate-based authentication of the client, and optional encryption of data transmitted over the network. Contents Topic Using secure connections with EAServer SSL connections…