About presenting lists – PB Docs 90
About presenting lists You can choose a variety of ways to present lists in your application: ListBoxes and PictureListBoxes display available choices that can be used for invoking an action or viewing and displaying data. DropDownListBoxes and DropDownPictureListBoxes also display available choices to the user. However, you can make them editable to the user. DropDownListBoxes…
PowerBuilder COM servers – PB Docs 90
PowerBuilder COM servers In addition to the COM server file generated in PowerBuilder, the PowerBuilder runtime files listed in Table 39-17 should be installed on the computer on which the server will run if the component uses the feature listed in the table. Table 39-17: PowerBuilder files required on COM server host Name Description PBVM90.DLL…
Installing the sample applications – PB Docs 90
Installing the sample applications To install the samples from the CD, select the Custom setup type in the PowerBuilder installation program and select Code Examples from the list of components. To install the Code Examples application, select Example Application. To install the Web DataWindow PBL, select Web DataWindow. Both samples are installed in the Code…
Chapter 17 Using DDE in an Application – PB Docs 90
Chapter 17 Using DDE in an Application About this chapter This chapter describes how PowerBuilder supports DDE. Contents Topic About DDE DDE functions and events Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
Chapter 14 Manipulating Graphs – PB Docs 90
Chapter 14 Manipulating Graphs About this chapter This chapter describes how to write code that allows you to access and change a graph in your application at runtime. Contents Topic Using graphs Populating a graph with data Modifying graph properties Accessing data properties Using point and click Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for…
Managing information in the Windows registry – PB Docs 90
Managing information in the Windows registry Functions for accessing the Registry PowerBuilder provides several functions you can use to manage application settings in the Windows registry. Table 36-2: PowerBuilder registry setting functions Function Description RegistryDelete Deletes a key or a value in a key in the Windows registry. RegistryGet Gets a value from the Windows…
Printing basics – PB Docs 90
Printing basics All printing is defined in terms of the print area. The print area is the physical page size less any margins. For example, if the page size is 8.5 inches by 11 inches, and the top, bottom, and side margins are all a half-inch, the print area is 7.5 inches by 10 inches….
Security issues – PB Docs 90
Security issues When you develop a component for deployment to MTS or COM+, you can define roles that determine which users or groups of users are authorized to perform specific transactions. Then when you deploy the component, you assign roles to specific users in the MTS Explorer or the COM+ Component Services tool. Enabling authorization…
About building an EAServer client – PB Docs 90
About building an EAServer client A PowerBuilder application can act as a client to an EAServer component. To access a method associated with a component on the server, the PowerBuilder client needs to connect to the server, instantiate the component, and invoke the component method. In general, you use an instance of a Connection object…
Controlling transactions from a client – PB Docs 90
Controlling transactions from a client PowerBuilder clients can exercise explicit control of a transaction on an MTS or COM+ server by using a variable of type OleTxnObject instead of OLEObject to connect to the COM object. Requires MTS or COM+ installation The ConnectToNewObject call on an OleTxnObject fails if MTS or COM+ is not installed…