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Powerbuilder Documentation 8.0 – PowerBuilder Library

Powerbuilder Documentation 8.0

Powerbuilder Documentation 8.0

Using sheets – PB Docs 80

Using sheets In an MDI frame window, users can open windows (sheets) to perform activities. For example, in an electronic mail application, an MDI frame might have sheets that users open to create and send messages and read and reply to messages. All sheets can be open at the same time and the user can…

About preferences and default settings – PB Docs 80

About preferences and default settings Many PowerBuilder applications store user preferences and default settings across sessions. For example, many applications keep track of settings that control the appearance and behavior of the application, or store default parameters for connecting to the database. PowerBuilder applications can manage this kind of information in initialization files or in…

Defining and managing tab pages – PB Docs 80

Defining and managing tab pages A tab page is a user object. Two methods There are different ways to approach tab page definition. You can define: An embedded tab page In the painter, insert tab pages in the Tab control and add controls to those pages. An embedded tab page is of class UserObject, but…

Using a RichTextEdit control – PB Docs 80

Using a RichTextEdit control A RichTextEdit control in a window or user object lets the user view or edit formatted text. Functions allow you to manipulate the contents of the control by inserting text, getting the selected text, managing input fields, and setting properties of all or some of the contents. You define RichTextEdit controls…

DDE functions and events – PB Docs 80

DDE functions and events The following tables list the DDE functions and events separated into those functions and events used by DDE clients and those used by DDE servers. For more information on DDE support, see the PowerScript Reference . Return values All DDE functions return an integer. DDE client Function Action CloseChannel Closes a…

Chapter 11 Providing Online Help for an Application – PB Docs 80

Chapter 11 Providing Online Help for an Application About this chapter This chapter describes how to provide online Help for other PowerBuilder developers and for end users on Windows. Contents Topic Creating Help files Providing online Help for developers Providing online Help for users Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

Printing functions – PB Docs 80

Printing functions PowerScript provides predefined functions that you can use to generate simple and complex lists and reports. Using only three functions, you can create a tabular report in your printer’s default font. Using additional functions, you can create a report with multiple text fonts, character sizes, and styles, as well as lines and pictures….

Accessing a database from an EAServer component – PB Docs 80

Accessing a database from an EAServer component Database connectivity You can access a database from an EAServer component. If you want to take advantage of EAServer’s support for connection pooling and transaction management, you need to use one of the database interfaces supported by EAServer to connect to your database. For more information about EAServer…

Using secure connections with EAServer – PB Docs 80

Using secure connections with EAServer The SSL protocol allows connections to be secured using public-key encryption and authentication algorithms that are based on digital certificates. SSL is a wrapper protocol: packets for another protocol are secured by embedding them inside SSL packets. For example, HTTPS is HTTP secured by embedding each HTTP packet within an…

About building an EAServer component – PB Docs 80

About building an EAServer component PowerBuilder provides tools for developing custom class (nonvisual) user objects and deploying them as EAServer components. You can deploy the component to an EAServer host running on Windows NT and UNIX operating systems. See “Deploying a component to EAServer”. Limitations on UNIX If you plan to deploy components to a…