Powerbuilder Documentation 7.0

Powerbuilder Documentation 7.0

Using the ODBC interface – PB Docs 70

Using the ODBC interface On most platforms you can access a wide variety of ODBC data sources in PowerBuilder. This section describes what you need to know to use ODBC connections to access your data in PowerBuilder. Supported ODBC drivers and data sources For a complete list of the ODBC drivers supplied with PowerBuilder and…

Using inheritance to build a window – PB Docs 70

Using inheritance to build a window When you build a window that inherits its definition (style, events, functions, structures, variables, controls, and scripts) from an existing window, you save coding time. All you have to do is modify the inherited definition to meet the requirements of the current situation. Example Assume your application has a…

Defining structures – PB Docs 70

Defining structures Although you define object-level structures in the painter for a specific object and global structures in the Structure painter, in both cases you define the structure in a Structure view. The following sections describe each of the steps you take to define a new structure: Open a Structure view. For object-level structures, name…

Using the 3D look – PB Docs 70

Using the 3D look Applications commonly have a three-dimensional look and feel. By selecting a 3D border for your SingleLineEdit boxes and other controls, and by making windows gray, your applications can too. To have the 3D look used by default: Select Design>Options from the menu bar. The Options property sheet displays. On the General…

The PBCatFmt table – PB Docs 70

The PBCatFmt table Column Column name Description 1 pbf_name Display format name 2 pbf_frmt Display format 3 pbf_type Data type to which format applies 4 pbf_cntr Concurrent-usage flag Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

Browsing the class hierarchy – PB Docs 70

Browsing the class hierarchy PowerBuilder provides a Browser that can show the hierarchy of the built-in PowerBuilder system objects and the hierarchy of ancestor and descendent windows, menus, and user objects you create. In object-oriented terms, these are called class hierarchies: each PowerBuilder object defines a class. To browse the class hierarchy of PowerBuilder system…

Creating reports on library contents – PB Docs 70

Creating reports on library contents You can generate three types of reports from the Library painter: The search results report Library entry reports The library directory report The search results report contains the matching-entries information that PowerBuilder displays after it completes a search, described in “Searching libraries and objects”. The other two types of reports…

Using the RichText presentation style – PB Docs 70

Using the RichText presentation style The RichText presentation style allows you to combine input fields that represent database columns with formatted text. This presentation style is useful for display-only reports, especially mail-merge documents. However, if you want to use the RichText DataWindow object for data entry, you can specify validation rules and display formats for…

Saving a pipeline – PB Docs 70

Saving a pipeline When you have generated a pipeline definition in the Data Pipeline painter workspace, you should save the pipeline. You can then reuse it later. To save a pipeline: Click the Save button or Select File>Save from the menu bar. For a new pipeline When you save a pipeline for the first time:…

Using online Help – PB Docs 70

Using online Help PowerBuilder has online Help that provides both reference and task-oriented information. How to access Help You can get Help in any of these ways: Approach What it does Use the Help menu on the menu bar Displays the Help contents, the What’s New in PowerBuilder Help, or Help for the current painter…