Dynamic SQL Format 2 – PB Docs 2018
Dynamic SQL Format 2 Description Use this format to execute a SQL statement that does not produce a result set but does require input parameters. You can use this format to execute all forms of Data Definition Language (DDL). Syntax
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PREPARE DynamicStagingArea FROM SQLStatement {USING TransactionObject} ; EXECUTE DynamicStagingArea USING {ParameterList} ; |
Parameter Description DynamicStagingArea The name of the DynamicStagingArea (usually SQLSA). If you need a DynamicStagingArea…
C0304 Compiler Error – PB Docs 2018
C0304 Compiler Error Message text Syntax Error, string expected. Explanation Error C0304 is generated when you deploy a .NET target that has a statement with a missing component inside a conditional compilation clause:
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#if defined PBWEBFORM then // the following statement generates C0304: // Syntax Error 'RCURLY' expected. string ls_city[ ] = { "aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc" // the following statement generates C0304: // Syntax Error 'IDENTIFIER' expected. string ls_city[ ] = "aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc" } #end if |
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Microsoft SQL Server Using CONNECT, COMMIT, DISCONNECT, and ROLLBACK – PB Docs 2018
Microsoft SQL Server Using CONNECT, COMMIT, DISCONNECT, and ROLLBACK The following table lists each transaction management statement and describes how it works when you use the SQL Server interface to connect to a database: Statement Description CONNECT Establishes the database connection. After you assign values to the required properties of the transaction object, you can…
C0307 Compiler Error – PB Docs 2018
C0307 Compiler Error Message text Syntax error: unexpected string. Explanation Error C0307 is generated when you deploy a .NET target that has a statement like the following inside a conditional compilation clause:
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#if defined PBWEBFORM then halt clos // generates C0307: // Syntax error: unexpected "clos" #end if |
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IF…THEN – PB Docs 2018
IF…THEN Description A control structure used to cause a script to perform a specified action if a stated condition is true. Syntax 1 uses a single-line format, and Syntax 2 uses a multiline format. Syntax Syntax 1 (the single-line format):
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IF condition THEN action1 {ELSE action2} |
Parameter Description condition The condition you want to test. action1 The action you want…
C0055 Compiler Error – PB Docs 2018
C0055 Compiler Error Message text Illegal for loop counter variable type: type. Explanation You cannot initialize a FOR loop with a non-numeric datatype. The following script generates C0055:
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char lc_ch for lc_ch= 1 to 3 // generates C0055: Illegal for loop // counter variable type: character ... next |
See Also FOR…NEXT in the section called “FOR…NEXT” in PowerScript Reference. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
NewBlob – PB Docs 2018
NewBlob Description Creates a new blob and duplicates a buffer for the new blob data. Syntax
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NewBlob (const void* bin, pblong len) |
Argument Description bin A void pointer that points to the source buffer len The length in bytes of the data in the buffer Return value pbblob. Examples If the blob value in the PBCallInfo structure is null, this…
C0073 Compiler Warning – PB Docs 2018
C0073 Compiler Warning Message text {“number”} meaningless with type type. Explanation This statement generates C0073: {3} meaningless with type string:
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constant string {3} ls_str="aaa" // generates C0073 |
This statement generates C0073: {1} meaningless with type integer:
1 |
int {1} li_a[3]={1} // generates C0073 |
These statements compile successfully:
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constant string ls_str="aaa" int li_a[3]={1} decimal {28} ld_a = 3.14159265 |
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Show labels on toolbar buttons – PB Docs 2018
Show labels on toolbar buttons You can learn a toolbar button’s function by placing the cursor over it to view its PowerTip. A PowerTip is pop-up text that indicates a button’s function. You can also display a label on each toolbar button. Move the pointer to any button on the PowerBar, but do not click….
Modifying user-defined functions – PB Docs 2018
Modifying user-defined functions You can change the definition of a user-defined function at any time. You change the processing performed by the function by modifying the statements in the Script view. You can also change the return type, argument list, or access level for a function. To change a function’s return type, arguments, or access…