Powerbuilder Documentation 12.5

Powerbuilder Documentation 12.5

Positioning controls in a DataWindow object – PB Docs 125

Positioning controls in a DataWindow object Table 20-3 shows the properties for each control in a DataWindow object that determine how it is positioned within the DataWindow object. Table 20-3: Position properties for controls in a DataWindow object Property Meaning Background Control is behind other controls. It is not restricted to one band. This is…

Area, bar, column, and line graphs – PB Docs 125

Area, bar, column, and line graphs Area, bar, column, and line graphs are conceptually very similar. They differ only in how they physically represent the data values—whether they use areas, bars, columns, or lines to represent the values. All other properties are the same. Typically you use area and line graphs to display continuous data…

Changing a nested report from one report to another – PB Docs 125

Changing a nested report from one report to another You can change the nested report that is used. For example, you may work on several versions of a nested report and need to update the version of the nested report that the composite or base report uses. To change the nested report to a different…

Using graphs in applications – PB Docs 125

Using graphs in applications You can use graphs in DataWindow objects and in windows. You specify the properties of a graph, such as its type and title, the same way in a DataWindow object as in a window. Using graphs in user objects You can also use graphs in user objects. Everything in this chapter…

Using the graph’s Properties view – PB Docs 125

Using the graph’s Properties view A graph has a Properties view in which you can specify the data as well as the other properties of the graph. To display the graph’s Properties view: Select Properties from the graph’s pop-up menu. The Properties view for a graph has several property pages in which you specify information…

Defining the tab order in a DataWindow object – PB Docs 125

Defining the tab order in a DataWindow object When PowerBuilder generates the basic DataWindow object, it assigns columns a default tab order, the default sequence in which focus moves from column to column when a user presses the Tab key at runtime. PowerBuilder assigns tab values in increments of 10 in left-to-right and top–to–bottom order….

Adding text to a DataWindow object – PB Docs 125

Adding text to a DataWindow object When PowerBuilder generates a basic DataWindow object from a presentation style and data source, it places columns and their headings in the DataWindow painter. You can add text anywhere you want to make the DataWindow object easier to understand. To add text to a DataWindow object: Select Insert>Control>Text from…

Using ANSI outer joins – PB Docs 125

Using ANSI outer joins All PowerBuilder database interfaces provide support for ANSI SQL-92 outer join SQL syntax generation. PowerBuilder supports both left and right outer joins in graphics mode in the SQL Select painter, and full outer and inner joins in syntax mode. Depending on your database interface, you might need to set the OJSyntax…

Pipeline examples – PB Docs 125

Pipeline examples Updating data in a destination table You might want to pipe data and then update the data often. To update a destination table: Click the Pipeline button, select an existing pipeline that you executed before, and click OK. The pipeline definition displays. Since this pipeline has been executed before, the table exists in…

Using the OLE 2.0 style – PB Docs 125

Using the OLE 2.0 style The OLE presentation style lets you link or embed an OLE object in a DataWindow object. For information about the OLE 2.0 presentation style, see Chapter 31, “Using OLE in a DataWindow Object .” Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.