Powerbuilder Documentation 12.0

Powerbuilder Documentation 12.0

Features supported by the I10 interface – PB Docs 120

Features supported by the I10 interface The I10 interface supports several features that are not available when you use the IN9 interface. Some of these features require a specific version of the Informix Dynamic Server database. Accessing Unicode data PowerBuilder can connect, save, and retrieve data in ANSI/DBCS databases using the IN9 interface, but the…

Using a user event – PB Docs 120

Using a user event After you define a user event, you must write the script that PowerBuilder will execute when that user event is triggered. If it is an unmapped user event, you also write the code that will trigger the user event. User events display in alphabetical order in the Event List view and…

Defining user-defined functions – PB Docs 120

Defining user-defined functions Although you define global functions in the Function painter and object-level functions in the painter for a specific object, in both cases you define and code the function in a Script view. When you add a new function, a Prototype window displays above the script area in the Script view. The fields…

About structures – PB Docs 120

About structures A structure is a collection of one or more related variables of the same or different datatypes grouped under a single name. In some languages, such as Pascal and COBOL, structures are called records. Structures allow you to refer to related entities as a unit rather than individually. For example, if you define…

Using graphs in windows – PB Docs 120

Using graphs in windows In addition to using graphs in DataWindow objects, you can also place graphs directly in windows and visual user objects. You define properties for a graph control in the Window painter and use scripts to populate the graph with data and to modify properties for the graph at runtime. This section…

Chapter 3 Using Source Control – PB Docs 120

Chapter 3 Using Source Control About this chapter PowerBuilder provides a direct connection to external SCC-compliant source control systems as well as to the PowerBuilder native (PBNative) utility. This chapter describes how to work with source control. Contents Topic About source control systems Using a source control system with PowerBuilder Source control operations in PowerBuilder…

Working with Targets – PB Docs 120

Working with Targets This part describes how to work with targets in painters, how to set properties for an application, and how to manage PowerBuilder libraries. Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.

Concepts and terms – PB Docs 120

Concepts and terms This section discusses some basic concepts and terms you need to be familiar with before you start using PowerBuilder to develop applications and components. Workspaces and targets In PowerBuilder, you work with one or more targets in a workspace. You can add as many targets to the workspace as you want, open…

Generating a trace file without timing information – PB Docs 120

Generating a trace file without timing information If you want to generate an activity log with no timing information in a text file, you can turn on PBDebug tracing in the System Options dialog box. The PBDebug trace file contains a log showing which object functions and instructions and system DLL functions were executed in…

Building an executable file and dynamic libraries – PB Docs 120

Building an executable file and dynamic libraries Once you have completed development and defined your project, you build the project to create the executable files and all specified dynamic libraries. You can build your project whenever you have made changes to the objects and want to test or deploy another version of your application. This…