About Transaction objects – PB Docs 115
About Transaction objects In a PowerBuilder database connection, a Transaction object is a special nonvisual object that functions as the communications area between a PowerBuilder application and the database. The Transaction object specifies the parameters that PowerBuilder uses to connect to a database. You must establish the Transaction object before you can access the database…
Chapter 11 Providing Online Help for an Application – PB Docs 115
Chapter 11 Providing Online Help for an Application About this chapter This chapter describes how to provide online Help for other PowerBuilder developers and for end users on Windows. Contents Topic Creating Help files Providing online Help for developers Providing online Help for users Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
Adding pbdom115.pbx to your application – PB Docs 115
Adding pbdom115.pbx to your application The PBDOM classes are implemented in a DLL file with the suffix PBX (for PowerBuilder extension). The simplest way to add the PBDOM classes to a PowerBuilder target is to import the object descriptions in the pbdom115.pbx PBX file into a library in the PowerBuilder System Tree. You can also…
Chapter 36 Packaging an Application for Deployment – PB Docs 115
Chapter 36 Packaging an Application for Deployment About this chapter This chapter tells you how to prepare a completed executable application for deployment to users. Contents Topic About deploying applications Creating an executable version of your application Delivering your application to end users Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
Testing product accessibility – PB Docs 115
Testing product accessibility The MSAA 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) includes several tools for verifying the MSAA compliance of your application. They include AccExplorer, Accessible Event Watcher, and Object Inspector. These tools are available on the Microsoft Web site To test the user experience of your application for those with disabilities directly, you can use…
About keyboard support in MDI applications – PB Docs 115
About keyboard support in MDI applications PowerBuilder MDI applications automatically support arrow keys and shortcut keys. Arrow keys In an MDI frame, how the pointer moves when the user presses an arrow key depends on where focus is when the key is pressed: Table 5-2: Arrow key focus changes Key If focus is in Focus…
Chapter 8 Using TreeView Controls – PB Docs 115
Chapter 8 Using TreeView Controls About this chapter This chapter describes how to use TreeView controls to present hierarchical information in an expandable list. Contents Topic About TreeView controls Populating TreeViews Managing TreeView items Managing TreeView pictures Using DataWindow information to populate a TreeView Document get from Powerbuilder help Thank you for watching.
Examining a class definition – PB Docs 115
Examining a class definition This section illustrates how to access a class definition object and how to examine its properties to get information about the class, its scripts, and its variables. Getting a class definition object To work with class information, you need a class definition object. There are two ways to get a ClassDefinition…
Retrieving session security information – PB Docs 115
Retrieving session security information The CtsSecurity.SSLSession and CtsSecurity.SSLSessionInfo classes allow a client application to determine whether SSL is used on connections from a proxy to the server, and if so, to retrieve the SSL session settings and display them to the user. For a list of the properties for which you can retrieve values, see…
Chapter 25 Using SSL in PowerBuilder clients – PB Docs 115
Chapter 25 Using SSL in PowerBuilder clients PowerBuilder clients can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to connect to EAServer. Among other security features, SSL provides certificate-based authentication of the server, optional certificate-based authentication of the client, and optional encryption of data transmitted over the network. Contents Topic Using secure connections with EAServer SSL connections…