Unsupported Nonvisual Objects and Structures in Windows Forms
Windows Forms applications support most PowerBuilder objects, controls, functions, events, and properties.
This table lists all PowerBuilder
nonvisual objects and structures and indicates whether they are
currently supported in Windows Forms applications. When there is an X in the Partially Supported column
of this table, see the second table for
detailed information about what is not supported. The XX symbol in the Unsupported column of the first table
indicates that there are no current plans to support the corresponding object in future versions of PowerBuilder:
Class name |
Supported |
Partially supported |
Unsupported |
AdoResultSet |
X |
Application |
X |
ArrayBounds |
X |
ClassDefinition * |
X |
ClassDefinitionObject |
X |
Connection |
X |
ConnectionInfo |
X |
ConnectObject |
X |
ContextInformation |
X |
ContextKeyword |
XX |
CorbaCurrent |
X |
CorbaObject |
X |
CorbaSystemException (and its descendants) |
X |
CorbaUnion |
X |
CorbaUserException |
X |
DataStore |
X |
DataWindowChild |
X |
DivideByZeroError |
X |
DWObject |
X |
DWRuntimeError |
X |
DynamicDescriptionArea |
X |
DynamicStagingArea |
X |
EnumerationDefinition |
X |
EnumerationItemDefinition |
X |
Environment |
X |
ErrorLogging |
X |
Exception |
X |
Graxis |
X |
GrDispAttr |
X |
Inet |
X |
InternetResult |
X |
JaguarOrb |
X |
MailFileDescription |
X |
MailMessage |
X |
MailRecipient |
X |
MailSession |
X |
Message |
X |
NonVisualObject |
X |
NullObjectError |
X |
OleObject |
X |
OleRuntimeError |
X |
OleStorage |
XX |
OleStream |
XX |
OleTxnObject |
X |
OmObject |
X |
OmStorage |
XX |
OmStream |
XX |
Orb |
X |
XX |
PbxRuntimeError |
X |
Pipeline |
X |
ProfileCall |
XX |
ProfileClass |
XX |
ProfileLine |
XX |
ProfileRoutine |
XX |
Profiling |
XX |
RemoteObject |
XX |
ResultSet |
X |
ResultSets |
X |
RuntimeError |
X |
ScriptDefinition |
X |
Service |
X |
SimpleTypeDefinition |
X |
SSLCallback |
X |
SSLServiceProvider |
X |
Throwable |
X |
Timing |
X |
TraceActivityNode |
XX |
TraceBeginEnd |
XX |
TraceError |
XX |
TraceESQL |
XX |
TraceFile |
XX |
TraceGarbageCollect |
XX |
TraceTreeLine |
XX |
TraceTreeNode |
XX |
TraceTreeObject |
XX |
TraceTreeRoutine |
XX |
TraceTreeUser |
XX |
TraceUser |
XX |
Transaction |
X |
TransactionServer |
X |
TypeDefinition |
X |
VariableCardinalityDefinition |
X |
VariableDefinition |
X |
WSConnection |
X |
* The order of the array items in the
VariableList property of the ClassDefinition object may not be the
same in .NET applications as in standard PowerBuilder applications.
and streams are not supported.
Class |
Unsupported functions |
Unsupported events |
Unsupported properties |
Application |
CorbaSystemException (and its descendants) |
DataStore |
DataWindowChild |
OmObject |
RuntimeError (and its descendants) |
ScriptDefinition |
SimpleTypeDefinition |
TypeDefinition |
VariableDefinition |