Reserved words
The words PowerBuilder uses internally are called reserved words and
cannot be used as identifiers. If you use a reserved word as an
identifier, you get a compiler warning. Reserved words that are marked
with an asterisk (*) can be used as function names.
alias and autoinstantiate call case catch choose close* commit connect constant continue create* cursor declare delete describe* descriptor destroy disconnect do dynamic else elseif end enumerated event |
execute exit external false fetch finally first for forward from function global goto halt if immediate indirect insert into intrinsic is last library loop namespace native next |
not of on open* or parent post* prepare prior private privateread privatewrite procedure protected protectedread protectedwrite prototypes public readonly ref return rollback rpcfunc select selectblob shared static |
step subroutine super system systemread systemwrite then this throw throws to trigger true try type until update* updateblob using variables while with within xor _debug |
The PowerBuilder system class also includes private variables that
you cannot use as identifiers. If you use a private variable as an
identifier, you get an informational message and should rename your
If you are deploying a DataWindow to the Web, you cannot use
JavaScript reserved words to name fields or bands in the DataWindow
object. The list of reserved words is available at