PowerBuilder DropDown TreeView

Source Code Example
uo_treeview from userobject
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forward global type uo_treeview from userobject end type type tv_1 from treeview within uo_treeview end type end forward global type uo_treeview from userobject integer width = 1029 integer height = 756 boolean border = true long backcolor = 67108864 long tabtextcolor = 33554432 long picturemaskcolor = 536870912 event ue_postopen ( ) event key pbm_keydown tv_1 tv_1 end type global uo_treeview uo_treeview type variables String is_id,is_label datawindow idw_request Long il_row String is_dwo end variables event ue_postopen();treeviewitem ltvi_root tv_1.DeleteItem(0) is_id = "" is_label = "" ltvi_root.Data = "root" ltvi_root.Label = "Root" ltvi_root.PictureIndex = 1 ltvi_root.SelectedPictureIndex = 2 ltvi_root.Children = True tv_1.InsertItemLast(0,ltvi_root) end event event key;If Key = keyescape! Then idw_request.SetItem(il_row,is_dwo,"") End If If Key = keyenter! Then idw_request.SetItem(il_row,is_dwo,is_id) End If This.Hide() idw_request.SetFocus() end event on uo_treeview.create this.tv_1=create tv_1 this.Control[]={this.tv_1} end on on uo_treeview.destroy destroy(this.tv_1) end on type tv_1 from treeview within uo_treeview integer x = 14 integer y = 4 integer width = 992 integer height = 732 integer taborder = 10 integer textsize = -12 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Arial" long textcolor = 33554432 borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered! boolean linesatroot = true string picturename[] = {"Custom039!","Custom050!"} long picturemaskcolor = 553648127 long statepicturemaskcolor = 536870912 end type event itempopulate;int i treeviewitem ltvi_new,ltvi_place if this.getitem(handle,ltvi_place)<1 then return choose case ltvi_place.level case 1 for i=1 to 5 ltvi_new.data="2"+string(i) ltvi_new.label="Second"+string(i) ltvi_new.pictureindex=1 ltvi_new.selectedpictureindex=2 ltvi_new.children=true this.insertitemlast(handle,ltvi_new) next case 2 for i=1 to 3 ltvi_new.data="3"+string(i) ltvi_new.label="Third"+string(i) ltvi_new.pictureindex=1 ltvi_new.selectedpictureindex=2 ltvi_new.children=false this.insertitemlast(handle,ltvi_new) next end choose end event event selectionchanged;treeviewitem ltvi_place if this.getitem(newhandle,ltvi_place)<1 then return is_id=ltvi_place.data is_label=ltvi_place.label idw_request.setitem(il_row,is_dwo,is_id) end event |
w_main from window
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forward global type w_main from window end type type uo_1 from uo_treeview within w_main end type type dw_1 from datawindow within w_main end type end forward global type w_main from window integer x = 823 integer y = 360 integer width = 1833 integer height = 1088 boolean titlebar = true string title = "dropdown TreeView" boolean controlmenu = true long backcolor = 80269524 uo_1 uo_1 dw_1 dw_1 end type global w_main w_main type variables long il_row end variables on w_main.create this.uo_1=create uo_1 this.dw_1=create dw_1 this.Control[]={this.uo_1,& this.dw_1} end on on w_main.destroy destroy(this.uo_1) destroy(this.dw_1) end on event open;uo_1.hide( ) Long ll_row ll_row = dw_1.InsertRow(0) dw_1.ScrollToRow(ll_row) dw_1.SetFocus() end event type uo_1 from uo_treeview within w_main integer x = 905 integer y = 196 integer taborder = 20 boolean border = false long backcolor = 80269524 end type on uo_1.destroy call uo_treeview::destroy end on type dw_1 from datawindow within w_main event ue_dropdown pbm_dwndropdown integer x = 14 integer y = 8 integer width = 1787 integer height = 880 integer taborder = 10 string dataobject = "d_test" boolean livescroll = true borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered! end type event ue_dropdown;String ls_column Long ll_pointx, ll_pointy ls_column = This.GetColumnName() Choose Case ls_column Case "one" , "two" ll_pointx = Long(This.Describe(ls_column + ".X")) + This.X ll_pointy = Long(This.Describe(ls_column + ".Y")) + Long(This.Describe(ls_column+ ".Height")) + 5 + This.Y uo_1.Move( ll_pointx ,ll_pointy) End Choose uo_1.idw_request = This uo_1.il_row = il_row uo_1.is_dwo = ls_column uo_1.TriggerEvent("ue_postopen") uo_1.Show() uo_1.SetFocus() Return 1 end event event rowfocuschanged;il_row=currentrow end event event clicked;uo_1.hide() end event |
datawindow d_test
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