Nested reports in DataWindow objects renamed (IM)
In PowerBuilder 7 and later, every object in a DataWindow object
must have a name. During migration, objects without names are assigned
names based on the user-definable prefix settings, usually
dw_1, dw_2, and so on. Since
names are assigned sequentially, an object might be assigned a name
already used by another object in the DataWindow object. This can cause
unexpected behavior. For example, naming an unnamed report with a name
already used for another DataWindow object, such as
dw_2, could cause a GetChild/ShareData or Retrieve operation to find and use the wrong
DataWindow object.
To work around this problem, select Design>Options in the
DataWindow painter and modify the DataWindow object prefix on the
Prefixes tab before Upgrading. After you migrate the DataWindow object,
you can change the prefix back.