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Coolmenu In PowerBuilder – PowerBuilder Library

Coolmenu In PowerBuilder

Coolmenu is powerbuilder’s menu support tool becomes more beautiful with beautiful colors and icon images. developed Websiste

Coolmenu features

  • Now works with multithreaded applications;
  • Menubar can have an Office Xp or Office 2003 look too;
  • Menus can have a flat border and shadows
  • Stockitems are no longer integrated within the dll but read from the PowerBuilder dll’s;
  • Smaller size;
  • Source code restructured (no longer all code within one single file).
  • Set a resource file to be used for loading images (by resource id);
  • n_coolmenu no longer autoinstantiated.

On the nonvisual n_coolmenu there are some new functions:

  • of_Initialize: instead of calling of_SetRequestor for a specific window you can now call this function within, for example, the application object (before any window is opened). The coolmenu dll sets a hook for the current thread and notices when a new window is created.
  • of_Uninitialize: removes thread specific hook and frees memory.
  • of_SetCoolMenubar: enables or disables the Office look for the menubar.
  • of_SetFlatMenu: enables or disables the drawing of a flat border for the menus.
  • of_SetShadow: enables or disables the drawing of a shadow.
  • of_SetMenubarColor: sets the color for the menubar (Office Xp and Office 2003 style only).
  • of_SetResourceFile: sets the resource file to load images from. To use this the dll needs to know the resource id for the resource to load. To pass this to the dll you have to use the Tag property of a menuitem like: id=101. For the background color of an image it was possible to give a systemcolor index, x and y pixel or just a color. These have to be of the form bc=. If you sent x and y pixel coordinates to the dll, separate them by a – instead of a ,.

Using the dll is very simple. Add an instance variable to your application object and put the following code in the Open-event:

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Good Luck!

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