About rich text – PB Docs 2017

About rich text

Rich text format (RTF) is a standard for specifying formatting
instructions and document content in a single ASCII document. An editor
that supports rich text format interprets the formatting instructions
and displays formatted content. If you look at rich text in a plain
ASCII editor, you see complex instructions that are not very readable.
The actual text of the document is obscured by the formatting

The same sample displayed without the commands looks like

Elements of rich text

Rich text in PowerBuilder can have:

  • Margins and tab settings for each paragraph

  • Character formatting such as italic, bold, underline, or
    superscripts for each character

  • Named input fields associated with database columns or other

  • Bitmaps

  • A header and footer for the document

The user can use toolbars, editing keys, and a pop-up menu to
specify formatting. A print preview lets users view a reduced image of
the document to see how it fits on the page.

Rich text support in

In PowerBuilder you can use rich text as a DataWindow presentation
style. You can also add a RichTextEdit control to a window or visual
user object.

What is not supported

PowerBuilder supports version 1.6 of the RTF standard, except for
the following features:

  • Formatted tables

  • Drawing objects

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