Powerbuilder Datawindow Programmers Guide

Using point and click – PB Docs 2017

Using point and click Users can click graphs during execution. The DataWindow control provides a method called ObjectAtPointer that stores information about what was clicked. You can use this method in a number of ways in mouse events. For example, with the ObjectAtPointer information, you can call other graph methods to report to the user…

Detail section – PB Docs 2017

Detail section The Detail section contains the rendering of the DataWindow Detail band, delimited by the first <div> element. The <div> element’s contents represent a single row instance to be generated iteratively. Any group trailers, summary band, and footer band are also appended and enclosed by <div> elements. The controls rendered in the Detail section…

Saving graph data – PB Docs 2017

Saving graph data PowerBuilder The following methods allow you to save data from the graph: Method Action Clipboard Copies a bitmap image of the specified graph to the clipboard SaveAs Saves the data in the underlying graph to the clipboard or to a file in one of a number of formats Document get from Powerbuilder…

Modifying colors, fill patterns, and other data – PB Docs 2017

Modifying colors, fill patterns, and other data PowerBuilder The following methods allow you to modify the appearance of data in a graph: Method Action ResetDataColors Resets the color for a specific data point SetDataLabelling Specifies the display setting for a data label in a DirectX 3D graph SetDataStyle Sets the color, fill pattern, or other…

Getting information about the data – PB Docs 2017

Getting information about the data There are quite a few methods for getting information about data in a graph in a DataWindow control at execution time. For all methods, you provide the name of the graph within the DataWindow as the first argument. You can provide your own name for graph controls when you insert…

Header section – PB Docs 2017

Header section The Header section can contain the items listed in the following table. Only the root XHTML <form> element is required: Item Details Root <form> element (start tag) The XHTML <form> element is the root element of the XHTML template. See “Root element”. XHTML elements Additional elements below the root element. DataWindow control references…

Using graphs – PB Docs 2017

Using graphs Supported environment PowerBuilder Graphs are supported. Because you can print DataStores, PowerBuilder provides some events and functions for DataStores that pertain to the visual presentation of the data. However, graph functions such as CategoryCount, CategoryName, GetData, SeriesCount, and so forth depend on the visual graph control, which is not created for a DataStore….

Modifying graph properties – PB Docs 2017

Modifying graph properties Contents How parts of a graph are represented Referencing parts of a graph When you define a graph in the DataWindow painter, you specify its behavior and appearance. For example, you might define a graph as a column graph with a certain title, divide its Value axis into four major divisions, and…

How parts of a graph are represented – PB Docs 2017

How parts of a graph are represented Graphs consist of parts: a title, a legend, and axes. Each of these parts has a set of display properties. These display properties are themselves stored as properties in a subobject (structure) of Graph called grDispAttr. For example, graphs have a Title property, which specifies the text for…

Using nested reports – PB Docs 2017

Using nested reports When designing a DataWindow object for a report, you can choose to nest other reports (which are also DataWindow objects) within it. The basic steps for using nested reports in an application are the same ones you follow for the other report types. There are, however, some additional topics concerning nested reports…